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Entitled Parent Was Under The Impression He Had Rented The Entire Park

Rented Park

It is important to thoroughly read all contracts or agreements that we sign because one missed line can ruin your entire life as it can be used against you. Something similar happened with an entitled species who had rented a pavilion at a city park to have a private party. He had installed three bounce houses and the plan was to have a great time for the kid’s party. What he thought was he had rented the entire park. He was wrong. He had only rented the pavilion and that is exactly what it said in his rental agreement. Also, you cannot rent a public park for private events so that goes out of question.

Reddit user u/TheFire_Eagle along with his kids were at this city park. OP was chilling on a bench watching his kids play in the playground next to the pavilion. That’s when the entitled species came up to OP and told him to leave the place with his kids because he had rented it all out. The matter escalated as OP stood his ground against the massive force of the other guy’s entitlement.

Scroll down below to read and know who came out victorious.

Source: u/TheFire_Eagle

1. Entitlement made them think they did something they actually didn’t do. This will be fun.


2. OP with his kids went to a city park to spend a nice time together.


3. As they got up to reach the pavilion where there was a playground OP noticed a lot of work was being done there with three bounce houses being installed and whatnot.


4. OP tells his kids there is a private party going on at the pavilion so they can only use the playground. The kids went to play as OP sat on the bench and watched them have fun.


5. While watching his kids play, OP gets informed by Mr. Entitled Dad that the playground was also closed because of a private party that was going to take place.


6. OP tells ED he cannot rent a public park. ED showed him his rental agreement and told him to leave with his kids.


7. Unfortunately for ED, the rental agreement did say that they have only rented the pavilion. There was no mention of the playground or any other part of the park.

8. OP provided this information to ED who then began threatening him if they didn’t leave.


9. OP decided not to bend and stood his ground.

10. OP contacted the park ranger and informed them about a troubled situation at the playground on top of the hill.


11. As OP got off his phone, ED brought two other people to tell him to they are being forced out of the park.

12. Hearing OP was ready to have the cops involved, one of the guys began showing defensive traits. OP was not going to leave.


I swear to god I cannot understand why is this even a situation. ED should have had enough sense to know a public park cannot be rented by anyone for private shows or parties. He was being so braggy in front of OP about him having a signed rental agreement and everything. You can tell how many braincells ED has from the fact that he didn’t even read the freaking piece of paper that he signed. The agreement said nothing about any parts of the park other than the pavilion.

Wow, entitlement can really make you suffer in the head. Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: u/TheFire_Eagle

13. ED tried getting physical with OP and that is when the ranger arrived.

14. ED was quick to show the ranger his rental agreement and claimed OP was trespassing.


15. Ranger told ED the same thing OP did. Turns out he was only not allowed to set up bounce houses there either.

16. The ranger went on to investigate where had the ED plugged into the bounce houses for electricity. The guy had plugged those houses into an outlet at a public bathroom.

He was stealing public electricity.


17. The ranger returned with the lock that ED had broken to access the power outlets and confronted him.

18. It is safe to say ED had peed his pants and some poop also came out.


19. Owing to his kindness the ranger allowed ED to keep the bounce houses and have the party. However, he did get charged for misuse and got banned from the park.

20. OP’s children had no idea what had happened. Actually, I am happy that they didn’t.


Source: u/TheFire_Eagle

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

21. It was the ranger’s sympathy that saved ED, otherwise had the ranger treated ED the way he was supposed to be treated, things would have gone south.

Via PokeNad14

22. Commendable!


Via Technomage1

23. I am glad OP took a stand and didn’t let the entitled guy’s entitlement take over him.

Via Autumnesia

24. A big balloon filled with nothing but ego.


Via KatWayward

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via leftnewdigg2

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