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Retail Employee Decided To Serve A Tired Pregnant Customer Even Though The Store Was Closed

Customer Got Served

Tough times dial your strength up to eleven. I don’t know how it happens but huge amounts of energy just fills inside you and the impossible task at hand suddenly starts feeling possible. It is all the doing of nature and the sensation really is something else when you actually feel it.


That is exactly what happened in today’s story shared by a retail store employee, u/CSS-Farsight. OP shared it was nighttime and the store had been closed. Everyone was working hard to set up a new department that had its grand opening the very next day. While the workers were busy setting up the shelves and getting everything organized, OP saw a heavily pregnant woman enter from the front door. She was extremely exhausted and looked like she barely had any energy left in her but she made it to the store looking for a specific item. Her condition melted OP and even though the store was closed, they used their card to override the system and managed to turn it on. The payment was made and when OP finally got to see what the pregnant woman had come to buy, it broke their heart into pieces and made them extremely emotional.

In order to know what it was that made the pregnant woman so desperate for it, and how it all went down, scroll down below to read the story!

1. The customer must really need that item.


Via u/CSS-Farsight

2. After reading a similar story on the internet, OP decided to share their experience that involved a store they worked at. They were ready to open a new department the next day and everyone was busy setting things up.


Via u/CSS-Farsight

3. Poor day staff had to stay up all night to work. Unfamiliar territory.


Via u/CSS-Farsight

4. While setting stuff up, OP noticed a super pregnant woman enter the store who was not looking in good shape.



Via u/CSS-Farsight

5. The store had been closed for some time now so OP wondered how the pregnant woman reached the main floor without being stopped by anyone.


Via u/CSS-Farsight

6. Let’s finally know why TRL is at the store.

Via u/CSS-Farsight

7. When asked about how did she get in, TRL simply said the front door was open.


Via u/CSS-Farsight

8. It took a lot of effort but she managed to do it.

Via u/CSS-Farsight

9. I feel like she really needs what she is at the store to get.


Via u/CSS-Farsight

10. And she is also well equipped with all the required information to have the purchase go through.

Via u/CSS-Farsight

You can tell this woman is here to get something really important and she wants it at all cost. If there is actually a way that OP can use to turn the systems on and make the purchase go through, I think she should do it. The pregnant woman has already been through so much to reach where she is right now. Going back dishearted may not be good for her. Maybe the product she wants is to save a life. You never know. I hope she gets it.

Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading.

11. Come on, OP. Help the woman out.


Via u/CSS-Farsight

12. Another solution to yet another obstacle.

Via u/CSS-Farsight

13. Yay, OP finally agreed. Good logic and convincing powers, TRL.


Via u/CSS-Farsight

14. Looks like everything is sorted.

Via u/CSS-Farsight

15. I wonder what it is that TRL wanted to buy…


Via u/CSS-Farsight

16. My heart is crying a little…I didn’t know if this was possible.


Via u/CSS-Farsight

17. I am so glad she didn’t give up after all the hassle she had to go through to get the cough syrup. Because she did end up getting served.


Via u/CSS-Farsight

18. It would have been so easy on her had she gotten the item on the first attempt at a petrol station she stopped at before arriving at this retail park.


Via u/CSS-Farsight

I am extremely happy that she got what she came to get. I hope her little toddler is okay and it gets well after taking the medication. TRL, you are a lion.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via u/MuzaRain

Cat tax.

“Adopted this baby from a shelter. He sits like this all day… Maybe he’s scared in a new house? Can not understand.” Maybe it is just the way he likes to sit.


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