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Reddit Users Share Stories Of Their Most Awful Coworkers

Horrible co-workers are worse than bad bosses.

Because at least if you are dealing with a horrible boss, you don’t have to deal with him every minute you are on the shift. However, the same cannot be said for an awful co-worker especially if you work the same shift as them. So it is no surprise that people had many experiences to share when one brave user asked to share stories of nightmare co-workers.

I am sure most of us can relate to these on some sort of level. After all who among us hasn’t dealt with a co-worker who thinks they know everything and then try to explain it to you when they are in fact wrong. You can read similar stories and more by scrolling on below and taking a look for yourself.

Source: Reddit

#1 Well, that certainly added up to a lot.


It’s so hard for me to understand why people think they can sh*t talk people (especially coworkers) on social media with no consequences. I worked with a college kid who made the rudest Facebook post about a couple of coworkers after they politely corrected his misconception about something in their field.

This person also later went on to start a social media shitstorm of epic proportions that had to be remediated by university administrators, but that’s another story. –American_Mary_

#2 I am surprised you can deal with these sorts of people.


#3 I would bang my head against the wall if this kept happening around me.


Sounds like she should see a doctor, or is just a very heavy smoker. –bbedward

#4 She is giving cat people a bad name everywhere.


So just another attention-seeking person with a victim complex?


Does she have every illness and allergy in the book?


That is more than just a ‘negative attitude’.

Oh my god. I am allergic to latex. My office is currently full of balloons because of some sort of promotion. Do you know what I do? I just don’t go near them. I asked them to not be put near my desk, and my manager said okay, and I just avoid the others!! –driahades

#5 Maggie sounds like a piece of work.


Does she think she is in a movie?

I understand that but that is no excuse for being so rude.


Did you work with her for a year? Hats off to you!

Not we can add violent tendencies to the already long list of Maggie’s abhorrent behavior.


Sounds like a solid plan to me.

However, it wasn’t and in the end, she got no repercussions.


#6 A long time to get acquainted with everything.

The first mistake was hiring the son of a customer.


Did he just not care or was he really that stupid?

I am guessing it was the latter part.


So you were losing money essentially by hiring him.

At least they fired him pretty quick.


#7 It is never fun to deal with these sorts of people.

#8 It already sounds like a very interesting story.


Although it is a bit confusing keeping track of all these people.

I would be confused as well as surprised.


Well, at least he didn’t get stuck in that mess.

#9 I sadly know people like this and it is infuriating.


They just don’t care about their health and cause problems for others.

Do you have any stories to share about your awful co-workers? if so comment them down below and let us know.



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