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10+ Really Stupid Reasons People Got Dumped For

People can change over time.

And that includes their taste in whatever gender they like. So it is understandable that the person they once loved doesn’t do it for them anymore. It might be frustrating for the other person but this is life and we all eventually move on to better things.

However, today we are not talking about that. We are going to talk about the ‘crazy exes’ that everyone talks about. You may think they just say that to make themselves look better. But I assure you people like this exist.

So that is why we have some of the dumbest reasons people got broken up with. I knew humans could be stupid but this takes it to a whole new level.

Source: Reddit

#1 I guess some people thing love in real life should be a fairytale romance.


I love you so much and want to spend the rest of my life with you.

We have to break up if it’s really meant to be then we will end up together again like they do in the movies.

#2 Wasn’t she too clingy then? Oh, the irony.

I was “too clingy”

She got mad every time I hung out with anyone that wasn’t her.

#3 Couldn’t she come up with a better reason though?

“I don’t feel a spark of anything when we kiss anymore”

At that time I got hit in the mouth with a bat and couldn’t kiss her for the past month. If you didn’t want to be with me just say it or at least come up with a better lie to dump me over.

Freshman (me) and senior (her) broke up over the weekend and the following Monday I took my an aluminum bat to the backyard to take some frustration out on some tree branches in a woodpile.

The thickest one bounced the bat back at me and it hit me with lightning speed. Broke four teeth and stayed home from school the next day, senior girlfriend noticed I wasn’t in class and asked our mutual friend what happened to me and she explained to my freshly ex gf. That day she texted me after school that she wanted to get back together.

We stayed together for a few weeks while I was healing and she thought my lisp was cute and out of nowhere one day she said the infamous words “we need to talk” and said she didn’t feel anything when we kiss anymore.

In my head I was thinking “bitch we ain’t kissed since my mouth got broke” but I took it like a man and went along with it. The next week she started dating a girl that had a big crush on her.

#4 Wow, I have no words.

One of my exes dumped me saying that he wanted to “be like Paul” from the bible.

#5 Well, people can have their own kinks.

I (a 14-year-old) wouldn’t take her (a 14-year-old) virginity in a Burger King bathroom.

Welcome to Ireland.

#6 All I can say is you should have been a mage.


I bought my GF one of the World of Warcraft expansion packs for her birthday. She started playing again — like she really got into it — and I hardly saw her. She’d play all night and would come to bed as I was getting up.

To be clear, that made me want to dump her. But, what ended up happening was she started playing with her ex and it apparently rekindled their feelings for each other, because she dumped me after a couple of weeks of this shit and got back with him.

But, by that time he had moved away, so their relationship was entirely limited to playing questing or some shit. And, then they broke up again after like a month of this. At the time it was horrible, but now I can’t help but laugh.

#7 People really can’t think of better reasons to break up, can they?

I got dumped because the headlights on my car didn’t come on automatically when I started my car.

I’m assuming he had other reasons, but this is what I was told. And I love laughing at it!

#8 Just use wax! Every dentist surely gives it to people who get braces.

Made a girl smile too much.

She had braces and it cut up the inside of her mouth.

#9 I guess he took school spirit a little too seriously.

We went to rival colleges and I had graduated from the “bad” one.


#10 Besides the puppet school thing. Moving away seems like a valid reason to break up.

My boyfriend broke up with me because he was moving away to go to puppet school.

#11 She didn’t like that you were cheating on her cat.


My ex’s cat was named “Ben”. The girl I was dating’s cat was named “Bundles”.

One day, I called “Bundles”, “Ben”. She asked me what I just called her cat. I thought about it and then remembered that was my ex’s cat’s name. I laughed and told her and she was super unimpressed.

Broke up with me the next day.

#12 He definitely dodged a bullet there.

Shared this before here, but this has and will always take the cake for me.

College GF’s Dad won 1 million dollars in the state lottery over winter break. Broke up with me over the phone, telling me:

“Now that I’m rich, I can’t afford to date regular people like you. That’s really the only thing wrong, you’re just regular.”

#13 He certainly had a lot of issues. Fear of commitment being the prominent one.

After going out with this guy for 6 months I asked him if we were dating and he immediately ghosted me.

Yes, we were both full-grown adults (late 20’s) and yes, he had issues.

#14 So did he ask her out or no?

The girl told me she thought this boy who she had a crush on for a long time was gonna ask her out.

She said this to me. Her then bf.

#15 I want to hear more of this story.

She thought I killed her horse (it wasn’t actually her horse) with voodoo (it hung itself) because I was jealous (it was a horse.)

#16 I like fish as much as the next person but this is crazy.


“We have to break up. I mean, we can’t even get married… you’re allergic to fish!”

She chose the occasional tuna sandwich over me. I laughed and still tell the story so I guess it’s a win!

#17 I guess it was a dump truck.

She found out the truck I was driving was owned by my mom.

Have any of your own ‘relationship’ stories that you wanna share with us? If so comment down below and let us know.


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