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Teenager Refuses To Cook For Stepmother And Her Guests Because She Doesn’t Let Him Eat What She Cooks

Family Emergency

Stepparents are not always pleasant people.

Stepparents play an important role in many families, offering support and guidance to their stepchildren. However, not all stepparents have their stepchildren’s best interests at heart, and some may even force them to leave the house. This complex and often difficult dynamic between stepparents and stepchildren can have long-term consequences for family relationships and personal well-being. Not to make light of any situations, but some stepparents are straight out of Cinderella.


While it is common for children to dislike their new stepparent at first because they believe their biological parent will no longer love them, these concerns usually fade as they get older. However, in some cases, this does occur, and the parent spends more time making sure their new partner is happy than their child. While I do not believe that ensuring your partner’s happiness is a bad thing, children should come first. However, the father and stepmother in the following story have clearly forgotten what it means to be good parents.

Scroll down to see what I’m talking about.

Source: Reddit

OP has had a few problems with his stepmother, and the emergency situation is just the icing on the cake.


Right from the start, it was clear that the new stepmother didn’t want OP to be at his home and wanted him to move in with his mother.


Things got worse as the stepmother now wanted OP to cook his own food and wouldn’t make him anything to eat.


OP was understandably annoyed by this but continued to keep the peace as much as possible.


The day the stepmother’s sister had an accident, the woman wanted OP to buy some snacks and cook dinner for them.


Via Reddit

However, OP didn’t reply to her, but thankfully, her sister did get better after the surgery.


When they came home, it was pretty evident that OP hadn’t cooked for them, and thus the stepmother needed to order pizza.

OP’s dad wasn’t on his side either and told him that he should have done what he was told to keep the peace.


This has led OP to Reddit, where he asks whether what he did was actually right or not.

Via Reddit

To be fair, I’m willing to give some leeway to the story’s original poster (OP). After all, she is only a teenager, and they will undoubtedly make some rash decisions. Was it a good idea to not assist her parents in an emergency? Not necessarily. Did it come across as a bit petty? 100%. Did they deserve it? Absolutely.

So I’d say the main fault lies with the OP’s father, who isn’t standing up for his daughter and is surprisingly comfortable with how his wife treats her.

People in the comments were gobsmacked by OP’s father’s behaviour.


While teenagers can act a bit entitled, I am pretty sure this isn’t the case here.

The father in this story isn’t being a good parent here.


It might be better for OP to move in with his mother because this sounds like a nightmare.

The stepmother is truly heartless, and there is no denying that.


Via Reddit

I would have to agree that this is much more complicated than it seems.

I would also have to say that it is much worse as well.


His father is the main issue here, as he is just sitting back and watching all of this happen.

They can’t pick and choose when they want to act like a parent.


It seems like OP’s father cares more about his new wife than his son.

OP definitely deserves better.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on what the OP did? Do you think she should have kept the peace and prepared the food? Do you think it was a good thing that she gave them a taste of their own medicine? What would you have done if you were in this situation? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.


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