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Woman Asks If She Was Wrong For Pretending To Serve Real Meat To Husband And Son, Internet Grills Her

We all have our own customized dietary preferences.

Some people prefer a meat-only diet, some are into healthy only whatever that includes because I would never want to research about it nor ever try it. I live for delicious food regardless of the fact if it is unhealthy or not. Just like so we all have our preferences and they are ideal to be respected. Some people only eat a vegetarian diet, some stay away from products, while others prefer not to eat meat. There are all sorts of combinations especially since this profession of nutrition has grown so much over time.

People tend to take their dietary beliefs very seriously and it may be a very unethical activity if you slip something into someone’s food that they specifically do not eat. That is unfair and highly disrespectful. Knowing that I have a friend who does not eat eggs, if I put an egg in the marinate of those Kebab I fried for the dinner party and served those to him without telling him, I would be a criminal and a liar. No one deserves to be deprived of the truth. At least tell them that is in there and have them decide. That’s because for you this may be a fun joke but for them, not good.

Today’s story follows similar tracks. Reddit user u/cheekylilbooger took it to the sacred community of AITA to ask whether she was wrong to give her non-vegetarian husband and son fake meat in order to check if they actually hate meat alternatives. This was a matter related to food so obviously, the post must’ve landed with a thud on this subreddit that has over 4 million members actively deciding the OPs’ fates. But more than that, this is a matter of ethics as discussed above and so things become far more sensitive than your normal fun AITA posts.

Let’s read through what happened that day and decided if what OP did was within the ethical prism or not. Scroll down to enjoy reading.

1. In OP’s family there are mixed dietary preferences that should all be respected induvidually.


Via u/cheekylilbooger

2. Husband and son are proper fans of meat and nothing else. Any meat alternative is a big no.


Via u/cheekylilbooger

3. Their dinner table must look pretty versatile but I am glad that everyone’s belief is being respected at the house.


Via u/cheekylilbooger

4. What’s better than that?


Via u/cheekylilbooger

5. Daughters decided to pull a prank on father and brother, and mother decided to join in.


Via u/cheekylilbooger

6. The plan was to serve them fake meat and pretend it was real, just to check if they actually notice anything or not.


Via u/cheekylilbooger

7. Turns out husband and son finished their food without any complaints.

Via u/cheekylilbooger

8. The little girl finally told the two what had happened and they didn’t receive it too well.


Via u/cheekylilbooger

This is a very serious matter. I am glad that no one in the family had any sort of allergies to any food otherwise the matter would’ve been far worse. Even though the husband and the son both finished their food without any issues and may also have enjoyed it was still highly unethical of the pranking party to do this. I can understand the little girls only suggested this with the element of fun in their mind but the mother should’ve been sane enough to drop the idea. Again, it is about one’s belief. I love real meat and don’t prefer eating anything else, fine don’t serve me food that’s one way to go around it. But don’t serve me anything else and label it real meat. That is unfair and I would like to declare the woman an AH for this.

In some Asian countries, these dietary beliefs are taken very seriously. There are cities where they only serve vegetarian food and that’s it. That’s how strongly they abide by what they have committed to and if someone decided to slip a piece of meat in those people’s food in the name of a “prank”, I think that would be very disrespectful and unearthly.

We don’t see many posts on here where the OP is declared an AH but sorry ma’am, YTA!

The votes came in and I am pretty sure OP must not have enjoyed reading them:

9. Having their consent would’ve made the situation much better.

Via u/cheekylilbooger

10. Tricking someone into thinking they are eating one thing but they are not is unethical.


Via u/cheekylilbooger

11. Everyone was at foul.

Via u/cheekylilbooger

12. The general response was to never mess with a person’s dietary belief, it is not right.


Via u/cheekylilbooger

13. Don’t lie about a person’s food.

Via u/cheekylilbooger

14. Every time.


Via u/cheekylilbooger

15. Majority of members voted OP as the AH.

Via u/cheekylilbooger

What do you guys have to say on this? Do share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

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