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Daughter Does Not Want Her Dad To Date, Gets The Couple To Break Up

Decisions related to your love life should be taken by you and everyone else should respect them.

Love is a very sensitive topic. You don’t easily fall in love and even if you do, it would still take a lot of time for you to decide if they are the right partner to spend the rest of your life with. It is a decision that requires a lot of thought, patience, consideration, rationale, and confidence. And when a person finally decides to marry the person they love, it should always be a mutual decision because marriages don’t stay alive for too long if the love is one-sided. But if there are two people who dearly love each other, have spent a lot of time with each other, and are confident in each other’s personality, yes they should definitely date and no one is allowed to tell them otherwise. Decisions related to love life are always your own. Because if it is someone else’s decision and things don’t work out, you will never be able to forgive yourself for not listening to your heart. But, if it is you who takes the decisions regarding your love life, at least there won’t be any regret even if things don’t work out. Regardless, a third person has no right to have a say, even if it’s your own child.


I know the last line confused you. Today’s story is all about that last line. In today’s story, a daughter posted a story on the internet asking for help. After her mother passed away, her father decided to date a woman once again. He decided to give his love life another go. The daughter, though, had conflicting thoughts and doesn’t want her Dad to date anyone else. She asks the Reddit community if she is wrong for thinking this way.

Rise up, it is time to decide. Scroll down to read what happened.

1. Depends on the situation.


Via Reddit

2. The situation is that the mother has passed away.


Via Reddit

3. Okay, good for you guys.


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4. I don’t really see where the problem is but okay, let’s continue digging.


Via Reddit

5. What do they mean by “We are not ready for him to date her”? Sorry, kids. But you don’t decide who gets to stay lonely and who gets to be with a loved one.


Via Reddit

6. 19-year-olds are supposed to be delusional. How do I know? This one thinks her dad is still married to her dead mom.


Via Reddit

7. You guys did not end your dad’s relationship just because you didn’t want it to exist. Sorry, I am already declaring OP the biggest AH of the century.

Via Reddit

8. He didn’t want to be alone, that’s the part you didn’t get, OP.


Via Reddit

9. Look she even accepts she gave her Dad a hard time.

Via Reddit

The most inconsiderate children in the world. OP, you and your sibling are the purest AHs. You literally have no feelings. Your father wanted to restart his life and the factor of love is very important for that to happen. He was finally ready to move on from the grief of losing his wife. And the kids ended up making life even worse for him. No one gets to decide anything for that father. This little girl is far from reality and is yet to learn a lot. She needs to hold onto her horses because all that assholeness is going to get her in the bin real soon. I feel bad for the Dad. The kids basically put him in depression and have decided he is supposed to be lonely. Imagine if the Dad takes a similar decision for the kids and tells them they are not allowed to date, ever. The Dad would clearly be the AH in their mind. Hypocrites!

In came the votes and opinions. Here’s what the gracious members of the AITA subreddit had to say on this matter:

10. Delusion!


Via Reddit

11. It doesn’t matter if you are ready or not, it’s about your father and his life.

Via Reddit

12. I am so mad at these kids for making their dad break up with his new girlfriend.


Via Reddit

13. Declared an AH, rightfully.

Via Reddit

14. OP should try sitting and doing nothing for the rest of her life and then tell us, how did that work out for her.


Via Reddit

15. No, not going to happen.

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16. And it will be a real shocker to her.


Via Reddit

17. We are all waiting…anxiously.

Via Reddit

18. I don’t think OP should be forgiven for what she did to her dad.


Via Reddit

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. What do you think, was she right or wrong for not letting her dad date? Share your votes and thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more.


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