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Girlfriend Takes Pro Revenge On Cheating Boyfriend By Ruining His Precious RuneScape Account

Cheating on someone is a crime. No one can change that and never can it be ever declared as doing something good. It is a horrible act and the criminal should be heavily punished for committing it. I don’t think there should ever be any room for forgiveness.


In today’s story, this principle was fully abiding by a girlfriend who got cheated on by her boyfriend. Reddit user u/osrsbitch19 shared the two met online while playing a game called RuneScape. Soon after getting into a relationship, OP wanted both of them to work and support each other but the boyfriend only kept playing RuneScape and she would have to support herself and him from her income.

Even after putting in all the effort, in fact, going beyond to keep her relationship healthy with her boyfriend, he decided to cheat on her. It shattered OP but also put the rage in her heart for him as she decided to take the worst pro revenge on him. And she did so by taking away from him and ruining the very thing he cherished the most; his RuneScape account

Scroll down below to read how it all went down!

1. A delicious pro revenge coming right up!


Via u/osrsbitch19

2. Things started off for this couple thanks to RuneScape.




Via u/osrsbitch19

3. OP got her mind to financial sustainability pretty early but her boyfriend just kept playing more and more RuneScape.



Via u/osrsbitch19

4. One time OP just didn’t have the money to support her boyfriend and he started crying about it.


Via u/osrsbitch19

5. He said his parents would mistreat him if he returned to them but OP knew they weren’t like that at all.

Via u/osrsbitch19

6. OP decided to contact the father so he could push his son to start working.


Via u/osrsbitch19

7. $15/hour is great for starters.


Via u/osrsbitch19

8. But the boyfriend was just not in the mood to work at all. All he wanted to do was play RuneScape.


Via u/osrsbitch19

9. Instead, he told OP to work harder so she could make more money and continue supporting him.

Via u/osrsbitch19

10. OP works way too hard already to take any of this abuse.


Via u/osrsbitch19

11. He really is taking OP right to the edge.


Via u/osrsbitch19

12. Things took a slight turn back to normal…but for how long?

Via u/osrsbitch19

13. Things finally began progressing for the good as the boyfriend started working.


Via u/osrsbitch19

14. The couple decided to save up and meet after a very long time.

Via u/osrsbitch19

15. The couple dated and had a great time…but…


Via u/osrsbitch19

16. …OP found the following text from a stranger woman on his phone.

Via u/osrsbitch19

17. OP found out her boyfriend had been cheating on her. That one came out of nowhere.


Via u/osrsbitch19

18. You can tell just how much she hates him for cheating on her.

Via u/osrsbitch19

19. She was never going to let him do it…never!


Via u/osrsbitch19

20. OP dug into her boyfriend’s phone to confirm if what she thought was correct or not. She was indeed being cheated on.

Via u/osrsbitch19

Do you guys know what this monster of a man just did? He unlocked a mean b*tch in OP that she was trying so hard not to let out. He did it. And he is now going to face that b*tch’s wrath. You better believe it. He is done for!

I actually cannot believe this guy. He cried that his parents would abuse him the day she said she doesn’t have the money to support him. She went out of her way to look for jobs for his lazy butt. And he had the audacity to cheat on her? He deserves to rot in hell.

21. That is just so unfair to OP.


Via u/osrsbitch19

22. This guy is a monster.

Via u/osrsbitch19

23. I honestly would’ve kicked his butt out there and then…


Via u/osrsbitch19

24. OP, you have nerves of steel.

Via u/osrsbitch19

25. She dropped him off at the airport that morning to fly out of the state and her life as well…forever.


Via u/osrsbitch19

26. And the pain started to kick in.

Via u/osrsbitch19

27. This is when OP decided she had to take revenge in a way that he would always hurt even by thinking of what happened.


Via u/osrsbitch19

28. She opened the RuneScape account she had jointly made with her boyfriend, transferred half of the bank’s content to her account, and giveaway the remainder to strangers on the game.


Via u/osrsbitch19

29. Imagine loving a game so much and then writing your account credentials on your girlfriend’s desk and then cheating on her. This is what happens.


Via u/osrsbitch19

30. She wanted to spend all his coins buying the absolute worst stuff you can possibly buy on the game.


Via u/osrsbitch19

31. And she did it by buying “Burnt spiders”.

Via u/osrsbitch19

32. Even after ruining all that for her boyfriend, OP still had 6 billion coins to work with.

Via u/osrsbitch19

33. With the rest of the money, OP decided to do some shopping for herself in the game.

Via u/osrsbitch19

34. The ex’s bank account was left with nothing but bones and dust.

Via u/osrsbitch19

35. All I can say is “annihilation happened!”

Via u/osrsbitch19

36. She also deleted his house from the game.

Via u/osrsbitch19

37. Man, OP went all in on him.

Via u/osrsbitch19

38. To seal things off, she changed his username to let everyone how big of a cheater he is.

Via u/osrsbitch19

39. The boyfriend responded aggressively after noticing what happened. OP took the opportunity to officially end everything with him.

Via u/osrsbitch19

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via Janice Poole

Cat tax.

“The way Winslow snuggles and looks adoringly at his dad.”


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