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Mother Urges Her Child To Get Back With His Ex And Leave His Current Partner


Parents should not poke their noses where they do not belong.

I understand how difficult it can be for parents to stay out of their children’s lives. After all, it can be difficult to understand where the boundaries should be when you spend half of your life caring for another human being and watching them grow up. However, no parent has the right to interfere in their adult children’s relationships. Don’t get me wrong, if you see your child being emotionally or physically harmed by their partner, you should intervene, but in most cases, they should let their child figure things out on their own. However, many parents are unaware of this simple fact and believe that they know better.


I am not dismissing the fact that experience comes with age, but this is not always the case, and no one should let this get to their head. You may believe that you always know what is best for your child, but it is critical that you allow your child to spread their wings and learn on their own. The parents in these stories are the polar opposite, and I would categorize them as overbearing. They believe it is a good idea to bring the ex to meet their child and his current partner. And when the poster of this story refused to play their game, the mother became enraged.

Scroll down to read the entire drama-filled story.

Source: Reddit

OP wasn’t this harsh for no reason.


But to understand his reason we need to understand his past relationships.


His previous girlfriend Jessica cheated on him.


But he was able to find a person who supported him throughout this hard time.


He is doing well but his mother invited the ex to a family gathering.


There was clearly a reason for why Jessica was there.


However, his wife wasn’t really bothered by any of this.

He thought things would end there but his mother was quite angry at this.


She apparently does not like her son’s wife at all.

So he understandably got annoyed and asked them to leave.


When I see a parent acting like this, it always surprises me. Do they not realize that such behaviour will only harm the child and will yield no positive results? Or do they simply disregard the consequences and do what they believe is best? It is also hard for me to understand this very dumb way of thinking and how you should only be with a woman who is stereotypically ‘feminine’. Shouldn’t your child’s happiness take precedence over what you believe to be correct? Not only that, but she cheated on him, so I don’t think she’s as wonderful as the OP’s mother and sister think she is.

People in the comments were also on his side.

The mother really doesn’t understand the concept of wedding vows at all.


It is pretty clear why she invited the ex.


Who would think a cheating partner would be a good match for their kid?

What are your thoughts on this story? Have you ever been in a situation like this before? If so, did you defend your partner? Or did you simply stop communicating with your parents? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their own similar experiences.


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