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New Mom Flies To Her Home Country After She Found About Husband’s Affair With His Neighbor and His Hidden Child

Man and woman are equally deserve to be called as parents. The child who come to this world do not know that which home is written in his fate. A mother of this child suffered a lot during her pregnancy and delivery time. In labor she only need the support of the person equally responsible for the new life coming to this world. If the father give full love and care to her at this crucial moment their their bond develop powerfully. If the husband abandon the wife at the time of delivery then she can never trust him in the future.


OP’s husband cheated him with the twenty-two year old mentally-ill neighbor who got pregnant with his child. OP was devastated during her own pregnancy time as she learned about it . OP got neglected by his husband even her time of delivery as her neighbor fainted at the same moment. Read the whole story about her sufferings and loveless life after she born her daughter alone.

1. OP is asking that if it is wrong of her to take her newborn to her home country permanently without telling her baby’s father.


2. OP was an Indian woman and a mother of a six month old baby girl whose father was an American.


3. OP discovered in her child labor that her husband had an affair with their neighbor who was mentally ill and got cured after treatment.


4. OP got devastated after she found that her neighbor was three month pregnant with her husband’s child.


5. OP was delivering the child when her husband carried that girl in his arms who fainted there. OP delivered her daughter alone as his husband was taking care of her neighbor.


6. OP’s husband took her daughter once and then informed OP that he was moving out with the pregnant women.


7. OP’s husband neglected her daughter and stayed with her girlfriend as she had premature delivery with many complication.

8. OP learned that his husband felt her daughter as a liability and loved her girlfriend’s baby more.


9. OP got full support from her parents and former boss to go back to her homeland as she left all alone in USA.

10. OP took her daughter to India without informing her husband because it was not illegal to abduct her child over there.


11. OP’s husband was not taking it easily and many friends of OP criticized her to make her child suffer without her father’s love.

12. This user is supporting her actions since she suffered a lot.


13. Yes, now she can get some peace.

14. OP’s husband neglected OP when she was in her labor so she couldn’t believe him anymore.


15. Surely, OP will get the custody of her daughter in any court of the world.

16. Definitely, OP did not want her daughter to grow in the presence of such type of father.


17. The legal issues arise if her husband actually got the time to file a case. He is busy in solving problems of his new family.

18. If OP’s husband had some feelings for her daughter, he would give his time and love to her when she was staying with him, but not now.


19. This user is actually saying the truth!

20. Yes, it effect the child’s growth if she get humiliated by their own parents.


OP went through mental torture when she was delivering her first baby, this is the time when a mother is in severe pain, mentally and physically at her low point. OP’s husband was not only absent at that moment but also taking care of another women. OP has full right to take a wise decision for the betterment of herself and her daughter. What is your opinion about OP’s situation and the decision she took. Share your comments regarding how she deal with the legal issues involving her daughter’s custody and her separation from her husband. Stay tuned to defused for many other life stories you want to read.


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