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Redditor Calls Friend’s Girlfriend Jealous And Vindictive Who Commented On His GF’s Looks, Causing Chaos

It’s natural to feel wary about our friends’ partners, given our longer history with them. It’s fantastic when everyone clicks at first, especially if you have a partner of your own to hang out with. But what if your partner and your friend’s partner don’t get along?


It’s a tough spot to be in. You want your partner to like your friend’s date, but sometimes, it just doesn’t happen, especially if the other person isn’t very likable to begin with. Now, your friendship is on the line, and you’re working hard to salvage both your friendship and your relationship.

That’s precisely the situation Reddit user u/JanetJamesAITA found himself in. He referred to his friend’s girlfriend, Janet, as a “jealous, vindictive b*tch” for something she did to his girlfriend, Nicole.

The details are for you guys to explore and analyze. Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/JanetJamesAITA

1. I wonder what took things to this point. Let’s find out!


2. OP’s primarily school friend James has a girlfriend Janet who believes in the “woman should be all-natural/no make-up” school of thought.


3. Janet supports women not wearing makeup, getting tattoos, pricing, or anything superficial to their faces, and she raises her voice about it whenever she gets the chance.


4. OP’s girlfriend though, Nicole, likes all of these things. She loves to glam up.


5. Nicole is the exact opposite of Janet.


6. Recently James and Janet invited OP and Nicole to his beach house to spend a relaxing week. Something OP thought this was a nice queue for him to get to know Janet better.


7. On one instance when Janet approached to go for a swim, Nicole refused by saying it would ruin her hair.

8. Janet passed a rude comment on this but Nicole decided to ignore it.


9. At dinner Janet kept insulting Nicole for not being natural, calling her posh and pretentious.

10. Nicole was laughing it off at first but then the “jokes” made her feel uncomfortable and left the table.


11. OP had had enough and decided to call out Janet for being a terrible person before leaving the table as well.

This all revolves around preference, to be honest. If Nicole had no problem with Janet’s point-of-view about women being “all-natural”, I don’t think Janet should’ve had with Nicole’s preference to glam up every day. Just respect each other. You can only give an opinion and that is it. You cannot force the other person to conform to what you think is right. OP did the right thing. Janet was outrageous here.

Source: u/JanetJamesAITA

12. Janet even threw cold water on Nicole while she was napping.


13. James apologized to OP for Janet’s behavior.

14. However, he did ask OP to apologize to Janet worse saying she will apologize back once he does it first.


15. OP refused and thought that was the end of it but he was wrong.

16. While crashing into James and Janet at the store one day, he confronted her by calling her names.


17. OP got a punch of angry calls from James but he didn’t care. Even Nicole said OP shouldn’t have said that to Janet.

Source: u/JanetJamesAITA

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

18. I don’t think you owe respect or soft language to the woman who threw cold water on your sleeping partner.


Via Jolly_Tooth_7274

19. Her behavior was atrocious.

Via bippityboppitynope

20. The way James sounded so desperate to have OP apologize, does make you think about it.


Via normalizingfat

21. This girl sounds like a full-on nightmare.

Via Fainora

22. I suspect he apologized within earshot of Janet and she gave him a hard time about it.


Via elvaholt

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via udonfans

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