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20 Scary Science Facts That Will Creep You Out

If you aren’t interested in cool science facts, what are you doing with your life?

Telling someone random or interesting facts is a great conversation starter. You don’t need a PhD in a subject to impress someone. You can just tell them a random fact about spiders and it will fascinate them. Well… It can either fascinate them or creep them out, making you look like a nerd. However, having an interest in science definitely does not make you a nerd. It makes you smarter and grows your general knowledge. You should be aware of how the things around you work. It might come in handy someday. However, mother nature works in weird ways. There are innumerable things we don’t know about our universe. And some of those things can be scary as well. So we always stick to the normal facts that won’t give us the heebie-jeebies. If you were bored today, you made the right decision coming here.


We have gathered some crazy and scary science facts that will creep you out. You might feel a bit uncomfortable reading these as you don’t get to hear this every day. Scroll down below and enjoy/torture yourself:

Via AskReddit

1. What is time? Is it real?


2. Altering plants seems like a hobby to some humans.


3. Blame all your bad decisions on your brain.


4. That’s what he said.


5. If I have to taste someone’s urine for science, screw science.


6. That is a new way to kill yourself.


7. So they’re saying the speed of light isn’t certain?

8. I don’t even want to imagine that.


9. This is surely going to make you paranoid.

10. Why would it pretend that it can’t though?


I bet you are learning a lot of new things here. Have your teachers ever taught you any of these things? Of course, school is just going to teach you boring things. You can even use these facts to creep someone out just so they won’t have a good day. It’s evil, but it is a harmless joke. However, we aren’t done yet. There are still 10 more weird and scary facts for you to read. Scroll down below to read them.

11. So is this how we’re all going down?

12. I can picture it. But wouldn’t it break easily if it got wet?


13. More than 80 per cent of the oceans are undiscovered.

14. What kind of human centipede crap is this?


15. It will be raining blood. Well, not exactly blood…

16. Do these species have child protection services?


17. Can you imagine a colour that doesn’t exist?

18. So if someone snitches on a meth lab, it can’t be a roach.


19. My body felt weird after reading this.

20. We won’t surrender without a fight!


Do you have any more weird facts to share with us? Comment them down below!


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