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Car Collector Stops Traffic After HOA Demands That He Can Only Have 3 Cars In His Driveway


Parking space can be a source of contention.

On the Internet, there are thousands, if not millions, of stories about parking spaces and how people are jerks. They usually involve someone parking in a handicapped space or your neighbour parking in your driveway without your permission. This story, however, is a little different. It’s about a ‘fight’ between a car collector and the HOA in his neighbourhood. We’ve all heard how difficult it can be to deal with a Home Owners Association, and this one is no exception. They had a rule that said a person could only have one Class C vehicle in their driveway.

As you can see, OP is a car collector, which means he has a large collection of automobiles and motorcycles. This rule did not prevent him from parking five cars in his driveway because Class C vehicles do not exist. The HOA apparently had no idea and sent him a notice. He responded, and there was nothing they could do about it. After some time had passed, the HOA changed the rule so that he could not park as many vehicles as he wanted in his driveway. As you might expect, he was not going to take this lying down and had already devised a strategy.

You can read the rest of the story by scrolling below.

Source: Reddit

If the HOA can wield the law like a weapon so can everyone else.


However, we first need to understand the reasoning behind the changes in rules.


When OP moved in the rule did not apply since there was no such thing as Class C vehicles.


HOA were quick to send him a notice but they weren’t able to do anything.


However, after some time, they changed the rule so that he could only park a limited amount of vehicles in his driveway.


Source: Reddit

He wasn’t going to take it without a fight and thus devised a plan.


He was able to block traffic and his whole neighbourhood was in arms about this.

He just had to sit there and watch as his neighbours did all the heavy lifting for him.


Source: Reddit

All I can think about is why the HOA had such a rule to begin with. Isn’t it more logical to have a rule that forbids you from stuffing your vehicles in your driveway and only having vehicles that can reasonably fit there? I honestly don’t understand why they were so adamant about this rule. However, I am glad that the OP had the final say rather than them. To be fair, he could have gotten in a lot of trouble because, I’m sure, he’s not supposed to block traffic, but he took a chance, and it paid off. It may not be a big win, but any win on HOA is always welcome.

People were quite surprised by his method as well.

However, he took a chance and it paid off.


It seems quite comical but apparently, it is not uncommon.

Source: Reddit

So theoretically, you can fill your house with snakes.


Dealing with HOA is always a pain for many people.

They just love to ab*se their power so it is no wonder people hate them.


I wholeheartedly agree that they are never a good thing.

Source: Reddit

What do you think of the way he handled this situation? Do you believe it was the best method? Or would you have handled the situation differently? Please let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.


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