Neighbours can be difficult to deal with.
We may see films and advertisements with neighbours who are friends and always support each other, but this is rarely the case in real life. While I am not saying you will never find such neighbours, these days, a good neighbour is someone who simply ignores you and does not try to meddle in your affairs. Yes, that is how low the standard has become these days. However, it appears that there are bad neighbours everywhere. I’m sure we’ve all met nosy people who are determined to learn everything they can about you. Not to mention the loud ones who always appear to be having a party or listening to loud music.
These are only two examples of bad neighbours. But the type of neighbour we have today is a petty one. When it comes to neighbours, we all know that parking issues are quite common. After all, no one wants someone else’s car blocking their driveway. You’d think that everyone would be nice enough not to do something like this, but some people are just too petty, and this neighbour is one of them.
You can read the entire story by scrolling down.
Source: Reddit
This story is honestly just absurd and petty.
But you will understand once you read the full story.
Yes, the neighbours actually did that. Why? I have no idea.
And they are a cop? Why am I not surprised?
Source: Reddit
So OP decided to give them the taste of their own medicine.
This takes petty to a whole new level but I love it.
How rich do you have to be to buy a car just for this kind of reason?
However, OP did ask whether this was a good idea.
Source: Reddit
To be honest, the neighbour doesn’t sound particularly bad. They genuinely just sound petty. And I’m not sure why they’re doing it in the first place. What are they getting out of it? I like to think that humans do things for a reason, no matter how irrational it may appear, but I don’t understand what this neighbour is thinking. However, I am completely on board with leaving the car parked there for two weeks while OP is on vacation. Yes, it’s petty, but why not fight fire with fire? I have to say buying a second car just for this would be hilarious. And it is not as if the neighbour can do anything about it either.
Unsurprisingly, people in the comments jumped on the bandwagon.
The perfect way to handle this kind of situation.
Who knew parking could be so expensive?

Source: Reddit
That would be quite funny.
Well, at least OP already wanted another car so it makes sense now.
What do you think about this solution? Do you believe he should park his car there? Do you believe he should let it go? What would you do if you were in this situation? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this ridiculous story with your friends so they can share their thoughts as well.
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