There are so many people in this world who don’t know how to move on. Once a couple has mutually agreed to take divorce, one trying to make attempts to re-enter the other’s life is not only illegal but unethical as well until, of course, the other party gives consent and they go through all the legal processes to get remarried. But without that, there is no chance.
Reddit user u/OppositeLeopard shared something similar happened to her. OP in her story shared that her MIL had been terrible to her throughout her marriage with her husband. OP remained quiet throughout this period until an event occurred that resulted in OP’s daughter going to the hospital because of her MIL. That is when OP decided to take divorce from her husband.
However, when OP started a new life by getting into a relationship, her ex-husband realized his mistake, getting to know it was his mother who did all the wrong things and tried to get back with OP. OP refused. The ex-husband then, during the visitation hours he would get with their daughter, tried to brainwash the little girl into thinking OP didn’t love her as much as she loved her new boyfriend.
The matter made OP turn to the internet to ask what she should do. Scroll down below to read the story!
Source: u/OppositeLeopard
1. Suddenly wants back? This is going to be interesting.
2. OP’s mother-in-law had been a nightmare to her but OP kept swelling it all because she truly loved her husband and didn’t want the relationship to deteriorate in any way.
3. OP would share with her husband what her MIL would be doing but he would always brush it off.
4. The husband never truly supported OP.
5. When the couple became parents, MIL would always try to parent the little girl, trying her best to reduce OP’s involvement saying she would do something wrong.
6. Do not tell me…
7. OP’s daughter could not ingest any oils and MIL decided to feed her essential oils which resulted in the 3-year-old going to the ICU. That did it for OP.
8. OP went to her parents’ house and decided to divorce her husband.
9. He couldn’t believe what had happened once OP served the divorce notice.
10. Since the divorce, for a year, OP’s MIL has been making attempts to take her daughter.
11. I don’t think any of that BS would work to convince OP now.
12. Thanks to a good lawyer and a better case, OP managed to get full-time custody of her daughter with an allowance of some visitation hours to the husband on specific weekends.
I am glad OP got full custody but trust me, she needs to add more layers of protection because, from my experience based on countless similar stories, OP’s ex-husband and MIL are going to keep on trying to get possession of the title girl. I am willing to say they might even try kidnapping the girl. So all eyes must remain open as these are the kind of people who will try the other person to start with a fresh life. They will make sure to keep reminding you of the turmoil you were a part of, that you already have successfully escaped. That is how terrible these people are
Let’s see how the story progresses. Scroll down below to continue reading!
Source: u/OppositeLeopard
13. OP knew there was no way she could permanently exclude her ex-husband from her life, so she tried her best to live with that.
14. Let’s see how the BIL deals with his mom now…and it is good to know that OP has given love another shot.
15. OP’s BIL decided to stand his ground and didn’t leave his African-American wife. Because OP liked his personality, she remained in contact with him.
16. It was OP’s BIL who decided to push some sense into his brother’s mind which allowed him to finally understand how terribly he had treated OP…and it was all because of their mother.
17. On the other side, OP has been enjoying her new relationship and has been having a good time with her boyfriend and his family.
18. However, the ex-husband has now started making attempts to take his spot back in OP’s heart.
19. He even arrived at OP’s door crying, totally realizing his mistake, and wanting OP to return in his life.
20. OP’s boyfriend threatened her ex-husband to call the police as she shut the door on him and the two continued with life.
21. Uh ho, is he brainwashing the little girl?
22. OP assured her daughter that she loved no one more than her.
23. OP knew very well that by taking their daughter away with him, the ex-husband was trying to feed hate into the little girl for her mommy and her potential father.
Source: u/OppositeLeopard
Here are some of the comments shared on the story:
24. OP needs to engage with her lawyer for an extra layer of protection and perhaps recording what the ex-husband did that day at her door would’ve helped the case so much.
Via Canadian_Rednek
25. The ex must not be allowed to visit his daughter if this is how he is using his time with her.
26. This will easily backfire on the ex. OP must file for complete custody.
Via brazentory
27. Can’t go without saying that OP truly is an inspiration for the way she dealt with this situation.
Via backinaflashn
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more stories!
Via u/muntimus
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