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Freeloading Family Refuses To Help With Groceries And Bills, Gets A Hard Reality Check

Many of us endure our workday just for a small paycheck because life is costly. Every month, our bills, groceries, car payments, and rent seem to climb higher. It’s not exactly uplifting, but anyone who thinks life’s luxuries, like a stocked fridge or a full tank of gas, come without a cost might be a bit delusional.

Today’s story is about a family whose blood ties were strained when four foreign relatives moved in with their American family but refused to contribute to expenses. Uncle Ben, Aunt May, and their kids, Mary and Stacy, moved from overseas, assuming they could enjoy the good life without pitching in. After months of living off their hardworking family, they got defensive when asked to help out. Instead, they decided to strike out on their own, feeling entitled to fend for themselves.

Scroll down below to read how it all went down!

Source: RamenNoodles620

1. Seems like a lot of terrible decisions were made in this story.


2. Recently some of OP’s relativee moved to the US to explore new opportunities. One of the families, for their initial stay, stayed at OP’s parents’ house


3. Where OP’s parents reside, living is very costly. They had to work extremely hard to get to where they are today.


4. OP and the parents made alot of efforts to make sure their relatives transitioned smoothly into their new lives.


5. OP’s dad found Uncle Ben a job as well but he didn’t seem in any mood to work.


6. I think OPand his parents are doing way more than what is required of them.


7. OP and his parents tried everything in their power to have the relatives sustain themselves in terms of cost of living but they were in no mood to work in order to live.

8. After covering their family’s complete living expense for almost half a year, OP’s parents finally approached Uncle Ben and Aunt May to contribute toward the monthly grocery and utility expense.


9. Their entitled butts refused to pay anything and instead said they will move out.

10. During their stay, the relatives kept mentioning about other family and friends they had in the USA who would take care of them.


Source: RamenNoodles620

They must not be allowes to stay one bit. OP’s parents did so much for these entitlee butts and they repaid by saying they just want to leave. They are making a huge mistake here because no one in their lives will be as curteous to them as OP’s parents were.

Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

11. OP’s dad didn’t contest their decision of leaving.

12. A week later, a family from Aunt May’s side resuding in Michigan took the relatives in.


13. OP told his Uncle and Aunt to explore all available options before making the big move.

14. The relatives in New Jerey were out of question because the relatives would in that case wouldn’t have been able to freeload.


15. The family finally moved to Michigan and was quick to realize what a terrible decision it had made.

16. Both Uncle Ben and Aunt May voluntarily began working jobs that were much restrictive compared to the ones OP’s dad found them.


17. Their “friends” in Michigan made sure the relatives paid for every service of life they acquired.

18. Uncle Ben and Aunt May approached OP multiple timings sharing how tough life was now and hunting towards a potential return to stay with him and his parents.


19. OP prayed for them and didn’t feed further into any hints that they were dropping for a return.

Source: RamenNoodles620

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

20. If only they had taken the time to do their research. Now they have to face the consequences of their actions.


Via Wymas123

21. They voluntarily made that decision. They now have to live with it.

Via nokenito

22. I hope their niceness doesn’t get exploited.


Via PunctualDromedary

23. Everyone in the family has to work, and work hard.

Via Careless-Image-885

24. I am glad OP and his family were very fair.


Via gbpc

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


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