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Entitled Woman Gets A Taste Of Her Own Medicine After Mistaking Shopper For A Worker

Are you deaf

Life is all about making mistakes, learning from them, and improving the quality of your life as a whole by implementing those learnings. This is how you become a better person as no one is perfect. However, for Karens, this formula does not apply. Because they do make mistakes, millions of them, they are certainly told a solid lesson to learn and implement to make their lives better, but they do not work on step three which is to absorb the right lessons and apply them to their lives. Their entitlement stops them from thinking properly or making decisions based on rationale.


In today’s story, we have such a Karen who didn’t think once before mistaking a shopper for a worker. Reddit user u/ohdonpiaano shared that while he was shopping for a heater at a hardware store, a woman approached him to help her find bathroom fittings. She seemed to get angry very quickly as OP refused to help her. Her rudeness kept increasing as she called OP deaf for not listening to her. This made OP raise his voice to shut her up for good.

Scroll down below to read how it all went down!

Source: u/ohdonpiaano

1. Overstepping can cause you to trip resulting in a hard fall. That is what happened here.

2. OP was exhausted, and in a terrible condition the day this happened.


3. It was the cold days and nights of winter so OP went to a hardware store to buy himself a heater.


4. That is when OP heard a woman asking for a bathroom fitting but chose to ignore it thinking she was probably talking to a shop worker.


5. She repeats her demand.


6. OP was wearing a suit that looked nothing like the store’s uniform so he continued to ignore the voices.


7. And then she finally tapped OP’s shoulder to get his attention.


8. After finally responding, he instantly got called deaf by the woman…with anger.


9. Her rudeness and terrible tone annoyed OP.


10. OP decided to deal with the woman in a slightly different way than normal. He chose not to tell her he doesn’t work there by himself.


11. OP called her rude and it flipped her switch.

12. She proceeded to ask for the bathroom fittings once again.


13. OP lectured her on her rudeness and told her she will never get help from anyone if she screams at them like this.

Seriously what is wrong with these entitled women? When will they learn? Or should I say, will they ever learn? I am not even present there and this woman is still infuriating me. Why didn’t she excuse herself and politely ask OP if he worked for the store? To be fair, she shouldn’t have approached him in the first place because he was wearing a freaking suit.

My disappointment in these women just keeps on increasing by the day and it is a sad thing. Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: u/ohdonpiaano

14. She then wanted to see OP’s manager and wanted to get him fired.


15. That is when OP raised his voice to the highest possible level to shut the woman down.

16. The woman couldn’t believe what had just happened. With no other option left, she stormed off while still yelling at OP.


17. OP grabbed the heater and went to the cash counter. That is where he sees the same woman with her kid again.

18. While she was getting her bill done she couldn’t hear the cashier asking her for the method of payment as it was quite noisy at the counter.


19. Taste of her own medicine!

20. She noticed OP and started complaining about OP being the worst worker to the cashier.


21. The cashier simply told her OP didn’t work for the store and was a customer shopping there.

22. The woman didn’t delay things one bit as she quickly paid for her items and rushed out of the store. OP had the last laugh!


Source: u/ohdonpiaano

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

23. A revenge that was produced on the spot.

Via WolfyCat

24. I genuinely felt so bad for that entitled mother’s kid. I hope he doesn’t turn into a make version of Karen.

Via lolazzoman

25. A sublime feeling.

Via CrazyMomof3teens

26. People are much more aware now.

Via metastasis_d

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via Downvote_This_Puffin

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