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Mother Poisons Daughter By Forcing Allergens In Her Mouth

Child Seafood Allergy

We know ourselves the best. I think this is a statement every single one of you would agree to because no one else can really tell who you genuinely are other than yourself. Things that are happening inside you, the emotions you feel, the allergies you have, you understand the most because your very existence is associated with them. This means whatever you tell about yourself to others is the entire truth and they must believe it. Unless you are trying to trick them, that is another story.

Unfortunately, though Reddit user u/Arkonsel shared in today’s story despite her telling her mother an essential truth about her life, she did not believe her. OP is allergic to seafood. It causes her instant headaches and stomach aches. Despite her telling this to her mother, her mom refused to believe it.

Her strong belief that her daughter was lying to her got broken when she force-fed OP a fish cutlet. Instantly OP felt sick and vomited all over her mother’s clothes and on one of their expensive carpets.

Never again did the mother bring fish or any kind of seafood near OP. Scroll down below to read and enjoy!

Source: u/Arkonsel

1. Wait, what?


2. OP is allergic to seafood.


3. But her mother would never believe and would keep feeding OP seafood ignoring her during the times she would get sick because of it.


4. One day a reputed dinner party was hosted at OP’s house by her mother.


5. The mother had cooked fish cutlets which she offered to OP.


6. OP finally let it all out after being tired of getting sick all the time because of her mother’s ignorance.


7. The mother though did not listen and fed the cutlet to OP forcefully.

Oh, dear! This mother just poisoned her child. Seriously, how hard is it for you to believe something a person tells you about themself? If I am telling you repeatedly that I am allergic to the freaking seafood, then please don’t bring it near me. I have provided you with this information for a reason and you are supposed to respect that.

Let’s see if OP’s body reacted to the cutlets or not. Scroll down below to continue reading!

Source: u/Arkonsel

8. And it began happening. Within minutes OP started feeling sick in the stomach.


9. And she puked all over her mother and her expensive carpet…all in front of the respected guests.

10. From that point on, she never fed OP seafood.


Source: u/Arkonsel

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

11. I really didn’t understand why her mother created such drama around it. Just accept it!

Via sixkidsandsane

12. That is true! She either would never feed her daughter seafood or would never buy expensive carpets.


Via Derpbuu

13. What she did there was the exact opposite of kind.

Via jnewton116

14. Delusional parents!


Via arnav2904

15. A revenge that was not planned but forced out of OP’s mouth.

Via Bobble2018

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via soundersfan17

Dog tax.

“This would be my dog’s Tinder profile picture.”


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