If a mother feels her child won’t be safe with someone, then you cannot ignore that. She knows her child the best and the attitudes of people around her child. So a mother will only say such a thing unless she is fully sure about it. Reddit user u/pprbckwrtr shared similar concerns in a story online. She shared that her relationship with her MIL isn’t great and he doesn’t trust her with her little baby either.
OP shared there was a vacation planned and she couldn’t take her child along so she had to task someone to babysit her child while she was gone. OP did not trust her MIL who fully wanted to take up the duty. She trusted her parents instead. The thought of the escalation of a drama made OP share her story on the internet for advice. Because MIL had behaved so terribly with OP, she was unsure if she would be any good to her child.
Scroll down below to read the story that OP called a long rant.
Source: u/pprbckwrtr
1. I like titles that are catchy but reveal nothing.
2. OP doesn’t have a good relationship with her in-laws, especially the mother-in-law.
3. OP’s MIL never cared about her one bit but ever since she had a little baby girl, she wants to get involved in every aspect of her life.
4. For being treated so terribly, OP had to get therapy. Even her therapist told her she had no issues but only a crazy mother-in-law.
5. I think she does this to show OP she doesn’t care about her at all.
6. I won’t feel safe leaving my 6-month-old baby around someone who has vertigo so frequently. Will she look after herself or the baby?
7. Whenever OP’s husband would ask his mom about her health, she would confess to the vertigos…but instead would only associate her condition with light dizziness. OP knew this wasn’t it.
8. You are bound to get dizzy if you don’t eat or even drink, there is no rocket science here.
9. No scenario makes OP feel comfortable about her MIL babysitting her daughter.
10. Although OP’s parents live on the same street as her in-laws, she still feels MIL would never contact them if there was ever an issue with regards to the baby.
11. Oh my god, MIL sounds so obsessive…like scary obsessive.
12. A big red flag if you politely ask someone not to do one thing and they do that exact thing.
13. I don’t think there is anything that is ever going to make OP feel good about her MIL after all these experiences that she has shared.
14. MIL always questions any safety rule that OP sets for the protection of herself, her husband, or her daughter. This way she gets on OP’s nerves so quickly.
15. And she would always doublecheck things with her husband after already taking confirmation from OP.
Even the most patient souls that have graced the face of this planet would get infuriated by this mother-in-law.
16. Don’t keep the guessing game alive, OP. She is lying.
17. There is a couples trip planned OP is going on and she does not trust her MIL, at all, to babysit her daughter.
As a parent, if you say you don’t feel safe having a certain person around your child, the decision to keep them away must be honored—end of story. If OP doesn’t want her MIL around her child, no one can change that.
And I am sure this MIL will do something terrible. It may not be with an intention to hurt, but I fear something terrible may happen.
Source: u/pprbckwrtr
18. OP’s parents do similar things to what her MIL does but most of the time they don’t question her rules and accept them as it is…this is what makes OP prefer her parents over her in-laws when it comes to supervising her daughter.
19. However, even if her parents look after the baby, OP knows her MIL would show up at their house on a daily basis and try to get involved.
20. There is nothing that can change OP’s mind…not even her husband could do it.
21. OP knows her MIL won’t do anything to hurt her baby out of intent, but she is sure something wrong will happen in her presence.
22. The couple has decided to sit down with OP’s MIL and delegate all the rules and policies she must adhere to in order to earn their daughter’s babysitting.
23. OP doesn’t feel the need to present these rules to her parents because they don’t question her pre-set rules and just follow them as laid out.
24. Here is the list of rules OP had set for her MIL to keep in mind or follow to the full extent.
25. OPhas considered that her MIL may be able to regain some respect back in her heart but at the same time, she cannot fathom such a reality if it actually came into being
26. OP is open to an improvement in her relationship with MIL but she doesn’t want this thought to come in the way of the safety of her daughter.
27. OP believes MIL has ample time to redeem herself before she goes on vacation.
28. To close her rant, OP asked the online community for their experience and advice.
Source: u/pprbckwrtr
Here’s what the internet had to say about this:
29. This. This is exactly what OP is worried about.
Via justhere4cookies
30. OP needs to accept this as the case.
Via entropys_child
31. No matter how much my MIL earns her respect back, if this is the situation at the in-laws’ house, there is no way my baby is going to live with them.
Via 54321blame
32. Why can’t OP simply say “no” and be done with the whole situation?
Via ughhhthisbitch
33. Until lit gets imprinted on his brain.
Via drush1130
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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