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Neighbor Asks Redditor To Not Walk Their Puppy Around The Apartment Because His Grandchildren Play There

Having nice and reasonable neighbors is a blessing, as it can make someone admire the surroundings outside their homes. Everyone has to leave their residence several times a day to engage in various activities, such as grocery, walking pets or going to work etc. during which they can come across their neighbors multiple times. Mostly, residents have to share the common area outside their apartments as they all have equal rights to it. Some neighbors have children, some have pets and others have both, but it is unethical to stop anyone from using the grassy area in front of their apartments.


OP faced the same problem when he adopted a sweet puppy whom he used to take on walks. His elderly neighbors did not approve of the presence of a dog in the grassy area and talked about it. Read the full story to know what happened next and share your thoughts about it down below.

Source: Reddit

1. OP is asking if it is inappropriate of him to deny the neighbor’s command to keep his puppy off the front grassy area as his grandchildren play there.

2. OP’s neighbor did not appreciate him adopting a puppy. He confronted OP to stop bringing his dog in front of the apartment as it makes the area dirty.


3. OP assured him that he would clean the area if his dog made it dirty, but the neighbor still believed that it would not be clean enough for his grandchildren to play there.


Lets have a look at what others Redditors have to say about it.

4. The elder neighbor needs to understand that any free animal or bird can make the area dirty which he can not always prevent.


5. Yes, how can he save his grandchildren from squirrels who wander around in such areas.


6. The fact that America has a national poop database is quite amazing!


7. This suggests that the data might not be reliable.


8. This user has found that bat’s guano can be used as a natural fertilizer, which is quite interesting.


9. The database must have been compiled to learn more about animal wastes and their potential benefits or drawbacks.


10. OP’s pet is not solely responsible for the dirtiness.


11. That is a very humorous response!

12. Yes, it is illogical to expect a puppy to control it as he is just a small baby.


13. OP had already offered to clean the compound, so he had the moral right to turn down his neighbor’s demand.

14. The neighbor must be aware of all these animals, but he was still trying to hold OP’s puppy responsible for the dirtiness.


15. Even if the dogs are restrained from any place, you can not prove that the area is totally clean.

16. Apparently, goose poops are reduced in places where dogs are allowed.


17. Yes, OP was doing his duty properly so he should not be ashamed of anything.

18. Yes, the rude old man was behaving like he owned the building.


19. It is peculiar how the old man was only concerned about OP’s puppy dirtying the place.

20. This user made an insightful suggestion!


OP was annoyed by his neighbor when he demanded to take his dog somewhere else, even though he was ready to clean the place if his dog pooped there. According to OP, he should take his grandchildren to the nearby park if they want to play. The neighbor should be aware, though, that cleanliness isn’t a given over there either.

What are your opinions regarding OP’s situation? What would be your reaction if you ever faced a similar scenario? Write your comments and share with your friends and family. Stay tuned for more stories!


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