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New Neighbors Didn’t Want This Couple To Install Solar Panels On Their House, Drama Ensues

Solar panel

Reddit user u/my_way_out shared one of their neighbors moved out and the new ones that moved in created a huge fuss. As the new neighbors became part of the neighborhood, the man of the house was quick to inform OP that his wife had MS and that she was very sensitive to dirty electricity…sequentially telling OP to cover his smart electricity meter as it could potentially cause the wife harm.

OP chose to comply but the neighbors didn’t stop there. When OP decided to get his house mapped for the installation of solar panels, the new neighbors filed a report with the HOA to stop the approval process. OP knew this trickery would never work so he sent a personal message to HOA as well sharing his side of the story. And that is exactly what happened. The couple who feared dirty electricity had to deal with the solar panels.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/my_way_out

1. Solar panels? Who could they possibly hurt? Let’s find out.


2. And I am sure these new neighbors who moved in are the ones who created all the fuss.


3. The new neighbor was quick to inform OP that his wife had MS and was sensitive to dirty electricity.


4. While thinking the neighbors were completely dumb, OP still decided to put covers over his electrical smart meter so that the dirty electricity wouldn’t impact the diseased neighbor’s DNA.


5. Recently OP decided to get solar panels installed on their house. When the new neighbors found out about this, they quickly reported the matter to the HOA in hopes that OP’s approval for solar panels would get blocked.


6. Knowing the report would have no effect, OP sent a note of his own to HOA explaining his stance on the matter.


Oh, come on. Who are these neighbors kidding? This is never going to work. They are only wasting time. And please, to the new neighbors, I would love to hear from you about the concept of “dirty” electricity and how it will make that woman with MS feel worse than she already is. If these neighbors are so worried about the dirty electricity touching them, they should move to rural areas where there is no electricity or anything associated with it.

Let’s see if the new neighbors managed any success or not. Scroll down below to continue reading.

Source: u/my_way_out

7. HOA reached back to OP asking if he was willing to accept any of the accommodations suggested by the new neighbor.

8. OP simply refused.


9. But won’t that paint make matters worse for the neighbor’s wife? Wow.

Source: u/my_way_out

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

10. They are just being hypocrites.


Via gundam2017

11. They are living in a fairy tale where whatever they want gets done.

Via EclipticEclipse

12. This is too hilarious.


Via rose_glass

13. I know right, that paint sounds deadly.

Via asmallman

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via Jennifer K

Dog tax.

“Waiting to get my car serviced. This is Koko, she works the front counter and her mom’s desktop photo is also of her.”


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