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Guy Doesn’t Invite Neighborhood Snitch HOA Member To BBQ Party

HOA neighborhood bbq

HOAs, or homeowners associations, are supposed to maintain the quality and value of the properties in a neighborhood, but sometimes they can also be a source of frustration and conflict. You see, on the internet, they are not really known for their good conduct, they are known for the exact opposite. The bad conduct of HOA was showcased in a story shared by Reddit user u/Mental-Doughnut.


OP lives in a neighborhood with a strict HOA, but does not belong to it, regularly hosts a neighborhood BBQ at their house, which has a pool and other extensions that are not allowed by the HOA. Over time, OPs hatred for HOA kept increasing because of a neighborhood snitch Jessica. In order to “make the neighborhood better”, Jessica would impose unfair and huge fines on the neighbors for the most minimal things like their lawn grass being 2 inches higher than the limit prescribed. OO got really pissed Jessica imposed a similar fine of $500 an old woman in the neighborhood. To protest, OP did not invite the HOA board members or Jessica to his neighborhood BBQ.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/Mental-Doughnut

1. We all hate that neighborhood snitch. Let’s jump in.


2. Seeks like OP as well as the other neighbors living in those houses OP mentioned do not like HOA at all.


3. Told you so, OP loathes his HOA but he has a rationale for it…them impose unfair fines is just a part of the overall list of factors.


4. Jessica is a snitch employed by HOA.


5. Jessica feels what she is doing makes the neighborhood better but in reality, as per OP, she has been making it worse for everyone.


6. $500 fine to a sick 85-year-old woman? That is outrageous, no wonder why everyone hates Jessica.


This is actually making me angry. $500 fine for a lawn that was only two inches high? Was that breach going to impact biodiversity in a negative way? Was it going to cause incursions in the multiverse? I don’t think so. Then why did the b*tthurt Jessica had to do this?

I hope one day she tastes the medicine she is dosing everyone else with. Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading.

Source: u/Mental-Doughnut

7. OP decided to take action by not inviting the members of HOA as well as Jessica to his famous neighborhood BBQ.

8. Jessica didn’t like this as she tried to cement herself as an angel but OP didn’t waste a second to put her back in her place.


9. Jessica’s friends decided to boycott OP’s BBQ and arranged one of their own… Nobody showed up.

Source: u/Mental-Doughnut

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

10. How hard is it to shut up, live your own life, and let others live theirs.


Via DontBeTeenGrandpas

11. Oh, this is a genuine point if you think about it. I hope safety measures were in place.

Via dowhatchafeel

12. No neighborhood deserves a Jessica.


Via CooSoo

13. So am I.

Via RemarkableQuantity1

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via Emma Silverstone

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