Times have changed now, let’s just say things aren’t as simple for entitled people as they used to be. The bubble of ego used to get these people very far, literally annihilating humans and feeding on their infuriation. However, nowadays people are much more aware of their rights, they know the difference between right and wrong. They don’t allow anyone to mistreat them anymore. And not just that, they do it in a way that the entitled person never forgets it, and gets a lesson out of the whole situation.
In today’s story that is exactly what happened. Reddit user u/10S_NE1 started a job working as a secretary in a company. There were two older women secretaries that they worked under and one of them, Agnes, was a terrible woman who would always annoy OP and would let the whole staff know about it if OP would ever do anything wrong by mistake.
There’s a scheme Agned would often play by fake quitting when she would get angry having the boss convince her to stay. She would do this a lot. One time she fake quit the job and the boss wasn’t at the office so OP decided to play their card. They set up a retirement party for Agnes. Everyone came and wished her well for the future, congratulating her for a great time at the office. She got left with no other option but actually retire.
Scroll down below to read how OP made a fussy woman leave work by throwing her a party.
1. Let’s find out how.
Via u/10S_NE1
2. OP started their first job as a secretary. They worked with two older women also working as secretaries at the office.
Via u/10S_NE1
3. OP spent more time with secretary Agnes (one of the two) who was a hopeless woman nearing retirement, and barely did any work, especially after the introduction of computers.
Via u/10S_NE1
4. She would struggle with multitasking and would create a fuss on the most minor things, just to annoy OP.
Via u/10S_NE1
5. While she would be the one mostly late to work and leave early.
Via u/10S_NE1
6. Often she would fake quit her job to get the boss’ attention as he would personally talk to her and make her stay every time.
Via u/10S_NE1
7. One time she fake quit again and this time the boss wasn’t around so OP quickly arranged a retirement party for her.
Via u/10S_NE1
8. The plan started working. Everyone started wishing Agnes well for the future.
Via u/10S_NE1
9. This time she couldn’t reverse her decision and had to actually retire.
Via u/10S_NE1
This was perfect. Agnes or anybody ever got to know who arranged the retirement party. OP, you planned everything so well and deserve my respect for it. Agnes was rude and OP k*lled her with kindness.
That is why you do not mess with the younger generation, they are much more aware than you ever were. So any entitled people out there who still think they can get their way, think again.
Here’s what the internet had to say about this. Safe to say, they enjoyed it:
10. Is truly immense.
Via blandrice123
11. OP threw a party for Agnes, no one throws a party for someone they dislike.
Via mountainsprouts
12. She fully had it coming.
Via Derkely
13. Giving it a try won’t hurt.
Via NayMarine
14. He only spoke the truth.
Via HerbertRTarlekJr
15. Seems like a common practice.
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more stories!
Via bakermm4
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