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Parents Want Daughter To Sign A Power Of Attorney To Revoke All Her Rights

Your authority is yours, no one can take it away from you. You are entitled to take decisions for yourself. Giving that right away is like losing all autonomy over yourself. Unless of course, life doesn’t leave you any option i.e. you are medically unable to take your own decisions.

In today’s story, though, an attempt was made to take this autonomy away from a daughter by her own parents. No, she was not ill or anything, they just wanted complete control over her decisions and no one knows why. Reddit user u/iwanttodieallday_ shared that just a few days before she was going to leave for college, her parents gave her a document they wanted her to sign. It was a power of attorney. OP took her time to understand what the document said and upon thoroughly reading it, she realized that by signing that document she would be giving away all her financial, education-related, and health-related rights to her parents.

Upon this realization OP refused to sign the document but didn’t really know how to put this decision across to her parents.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/iwanttodieallday_

1. I wonder what powers they want from their daughter. Let’s find out.


2. Just a couple of days before she had to leave for college, OP’s parents presented her with a power of attorney that they wanted her to sign.


3. OP shared she hasn’t considered a lawyer yet and doesn’t think her parents would take her to one.


4. OP didn’t have proper clarity on the contents of the document either.


5. OP’s parents told her signing a power of attorney would allow them to help her in medical emergencies.


6. However, when OP finally decided to read the document thoroughly with concentration, she found out she would be giving away almost all her rights to her parents if she signed it.


Why aren’t OP’s parents being fully transparent with her on this? And what is the point of this power of attorney? From what I have read, it seems like OP’s parents are trying to steal her rights from her. Imagine, not having any financial rights. OP won’t be able even to open a bank account in her name. What her parents are trying to do here, I would declare it a disgusting act.

The document should not be signed.

Source: u/iwanttodieallday_

7. Every other hour? Wow, they really are showing desperation.

8. OP had no idea if she would have any autonomy remaining over herself if she would sign that power of attorney.


9. Not knowing what to do, she took the matter to the internet for advice.

Source: u/iwanttodieallday_

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

10. That’s what I would suggest OP should do.


Via UsuallySunny

11. Never sign a document you don’t know what it says.

Via 6-20PM

12. They will make decisions on your behalf…all of them.


Via LunarMoon2001

13. This.

Via vikicrays

14. Tear those papers apart, that’s what I would do.


Via Careful-Orchid9142

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via _fly-on-the-wall

He stuffed his face in flour and ended up looking like the creepiest horror movie character ever.


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