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Person Walking Their Child Gets Worried After Seeing A Dog Without Leash And Yells At Its Owner

Should your dog be on a leash when you take it out?

Dogs absolutely love going out, it’s their favorite thing to do, after eating of course. As soon as the dog realizes the owner has picked up the leash to put it on it, it gets extremely exciting because it knows this event gets followed by a nice walk outside or a playful day in the park. It’s a nice thing to put your dog on a leash even if your dog has never been aggressive to a stranger or has showcased very good behavior outside. But the main reason to do so is “what if?” So in order to avoid any sort of uncertainties and to make sure everyone is safe and secure, it is advised that you put your dog on a leash before you take it out and keep it on the leash till you return.


There’s a community out there that does not believe in what I just said, these people are pro “no-leash” and don’t that it is a necessity to put your dog on a leash when you take it outside. The backing they provide to support this statement is that they have complete trust in their dog, their dog would never do such a thing, and there is no other dog better behaved than theirs.

Yes, there are specific places designed for dogs to be off the leash and enjoy the free strolls for example house backyards that are properly fenced and parks where only off-leash dogs are allowed.

All in all, you will make life easy for everyone if you just keep your dog on a leash in public places. In today’s story, we have a Reddit user u/AnyPercentage1242 who got really worried for their son as they came across an unleashed dog. OP clashed with the dog’s owner and wanted them to put their dog on the leash because they felt the dog might attack their son.

Scroll down below to read the story. The matter was shared on the subreddit r/AmItheAhole by OP to know whether what they did was the right thing to do or not.

1. OP has no heart for dogs and they believe their mood can change at any time which means they might suddenly attack anyone.


As much as I dislike this introduction, you have to respect people’s preferences and choices.

Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

2. OP uses a path to walk their little one, the same path many dog owners use to walk their dogs. All dogs on that route are on a leash because of the new leash laws and that keeps OP calm while walking through there.


Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

3. One day OP came across a dog owner walking their dog on that route but the dog was unleashed. He tried telling the person to leash their dog but got told off, and the two men erupted into a fight.


Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

4. Aggressive uncertainties can take place so it is better to always keep your dog on a leash when you are anywhere except your own house.


Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

5. They always learn it the tough way.


Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

6. She asked him to put his dogs on leashes or else her dog will feel threatened and attack them.


Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

7. Yeah, please don’t make your little one hate dogs just because you hate them. OP’s behavior in this story certainly created a specific impression of dogs in the kid’s mind and it is not good.

Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

8. Dogs can make bad decisions and that’s why you are supposed to have them leashed.


Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

Well, amidst these comments I would like to cast my vote. OP was NTA for panicking the way he did because, and I know you have already read this reasoning in the comments above, dogs can malfunction. “Anything can trigger anyone”, I know you guys agree with this statement. Apply this to dogs and you will know clearly who is the AH and whose NTA. Yes, there is one important thing here to mention here and that’s the little kid’s perception of dogs. If his father keeps erupting into fights with people walking their dogs, he will start to feel there is something wrong with dogs because that’s the only constant in the fights, and his father but the kid won’t hate his father. So I hope the kid doesn’t start hating dogs just because of his father’s view about them. I hope he grows up to learn how beautiful they are and what a bliss it is to have them.

9. All parties were AHs in this case…except the kid and the dog, they are innocent.

Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

10. OP was the AH for going over the board and the dog owner was the AH for not complying with the leash law.


Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

11. To be fair, OP really could’ve handled the situation in a far better way.

Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

12. Law supersedes all behaviors.


Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

13. Not only was it about the law, but it also makes the whole surrounding safer if you leash your dog.

Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

14. All behaviors are temporary including good behavior, so please leash your dog when you are outside.


Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

15. Other people’s actions can make your dog aggressive and then no recalls or anything would work. So it is better to avoid such an event proactively by keeping your dog on a leash.

Via Reddit – r/AmItheA–hole

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section down below.

Stay tuned for more!


Via u/JuJuJooie

Dog tax.

“My cousin’s dog “Patty.” It’s short for “Pathetic.” (I’m not kidding.) She was the ugliest one at the shelter & that’s why they adopted her. She’s over 20 years old & such a geriatric marvel that the vet is treating her for free now. Happy dog with a happy home.”


What do you think?