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Wife Sends Venmo Request To Husband’s Sister For The Hours She Missed At Work Because Of Her

Venmo Request

What would you do if your sister-in-law canceled on babysitting your kid at the last minute, and you had to leave work early and lose out on your income? That’s the situation that one woman faced when her sister-in-law (SIL) decided to go to a concert instead of picking up her son from school and taking care of him until she got off work. Reddit user u/Infinite-Mixture-993 shared that she sent a Venmo request to her SIL for the amount of money she lost by leaving work early because she felt that her SIL put her in this spot and should have to recoup her income. The matter was shared by OP on the infamous subreddit “Am I The A$$hole?” to know if making the Venmo request was within the ethical bounds or did it made her an AH.

People often share their stories on the AITA subreddit to get sympathy knowing they are wrong. I think that is exactly what OP tried doing but it fully backfired as the community mutually declared her an AH.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/Infinite-Mixture-993

1. I wonder what was done by SIL that caused OP to miss work hours.


2. Ever since OP’s husband passed, she has had to work really hard to make the ends meet for herself and her son. She also shared, in contrast, her SIL doesn’t have to do any work as her husband owns a successful business.


3. SIL performs a duty of picking  up OP’s son from school. One day, while OP was at work, SIL called her in the last minute to inform that she and her husband were going on a concert so they won’t be able to pick up OP’s son from school.


4. OP got really mad because she felt SIL would make some arrangement but that was not the case.


5. SIL went to the concert and OP had to leave 6 hours early to pick her son up. This resulted in her losing 6 hours worth of income which she plans to have reimbursed from SIL.


Wait so SIL isn’t supposed to live her own life because she must take care of OP’s son? That is terrible entitlement right there, OP. It makes you a major AH. SIL cannot assure to always be there. What if she d*es? Would you still say she should’ve made a secondary arrangement?


Source: u/Infinite-Mixture-993

6. OP sent her SIL a Venmo request demanding she lost because she had to pick her own son up from school.


7. When OP shared she situation with her friends, she got a mixed response. So the matter got taken to the AITA community.

Source: u/Infinite-Mixture-993

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

8. It was a favor SIL was giving OP. She wasn’t abided by the law to pick up OP’s son from school every day.


Via lihzee

9. Just imagine the dumbness of this entitled woman.

Via Unhappy_Amoeba_9918

10. OP should be the one paying her SIL.


Via Raindripdrop

11. The one who should’ve made a back up arrangement was OP.

Via mizfit0416

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via Andy Hal

Cat tax.

“My son bringing me a leaf is the equivalent of a human child glueing a string and piece of macaroni to a paper plate as a gift.”


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