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Foreman Blames Coworker For Own Mistake, Coworker Stops Correcting His Errors

A terrible foreman blamed a coworker for a mistake he did not make. He took the blame and let the foreman’s incompetence do the rest of the work in his favor.

It’s easy to put a blame on anyone and act all cool but it’s not cool at all for the ones who got blamed. Well, some people can take it very personally and decide on taking petty revenge on you so be very mindful of what you say to others. A Reddit user  u/124as was blamed by one of his crew foremen. He popped up in his office one day, screaming and yelling at him. He blamed him for something that was not his fault at all. It was probably a technical fault or something but OP got blamed. OP fixed the issue and took the blame on him. OP went straight to his crew foreman and apologized for a mistake that he did not make. Next time, when OP noticed a mistake in his crew foreman’s sheet, he did not correct it on purpose to take petty revenge on him. Scroll down to read the satisfying revenge story.


1. OP is a warehouse manager for a company that handles flood and fire damage.


Via u/124as

2. Angry Andy is by far the worst crew foreman.


Via u/124as

3. Angry Andy came storming into the warehouse last Wednesday and cursed OP in front of the owner.


Via u/124as

4. OP fixed the truck and apologized to Angry Andy and the owner even it was not his mistake.


Via u/124as

5. OP saw an error in Angry Andy’s sheet but did not fix it on purpose and filled the order just like it was written.


Via u/124as

6.  Here is the revenge part. Angry Andy had to drive extra 18 hours due to his mistake.


Via u/124as

7. All of the Angry Andy’s coworkers were pissed at him because they were working extra due to his mistake.

Via u/124as

8. OP let Angry Andy make a worse mistake and made his coworkers hate him.


Via u/124as

Some people lack the basic manners to deal with any issue. It tells how incompetent you are. Angry Andy could have gotten the work done without screaming and making it a big deal but he chose to blame OP. Well, OP has made him work extra, his pay was docked and everyone thinks he is an idiot. Well, he is. We hope Angry Andy has learned a lesson. Scroll down to read what people think about this petty revenge.

9. A petty revenge story.

Via u/124as

10. Let his own incompetence do the work for you.


Via u/124as

11. People should stand up for themselves.

Via u/124as

12. OP picked his battles.


Via u/124as

13. Be nice and I’ll help you fix every problem.

Via u/124as

14. Petty energy!


Via u/124as

15. OP should have taken the blame.

Via u/124as

16. Top-notch petty revenge.


Via u/124as

17. Someone thinks OP is AH.

Via u/124as

Everyone thinks OP has done an incredible job and Angry Andy deserved it but this one user thinks OP is AH for causing the collateral damage. What do you guys think? Is OP AH or NTA?


What do you think?