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Terminally Ill Woman Wants To Plan Her Own Funeral, Asks If She’s Wrong

Planning own funeral

Life is filled with tons of uncertainties. It is probably the most unpredictable dynamic nature has provided us with, our very own life. Imagine getting a job offer from your dream company, imagine visiting the country you had always planned to visit, imagine ticking all the goals off your bucket list, imagine getting a degree you always aspired to get, you would feel like you have done everything you ever wanted, right? Now is the time to chill, embrace, and enjoy it all, right? What if the next day you get diagnosed with a terminal illness? All your dreams just got shattered within a span of 24 hours. That is how quickly, and even quicker at times, life changes. And it can happen to anyone.


For this one woman in today’s story, that is what happened. However, she was not in the mood to spend her last days worrying about de*th, or going through all the depression and negativity. She only wanted peace and excitement around her. And the fact that her de*th was now a certainty, she also wanted to plan her own funeral instead of having her religious parents control it.

All of this and more was discussed by her through a letter her husband shared on Reddit after she passed away. So she was basically communicating with everyone from the heavens. It really is a sweet note.

Scroll down below to read!

Source: u/Dyingisstressful

1. Planning your own funeral? It takes nerve.


2. The husband started off by thanking everyone for the good wishes people gave to his wife and then revealing to everyone that his wife had passed after giving her illness a tough time.


3. She had decided to leave a beautiful note for her wellwishers which her husband quoted as it is.


4. She kept things light at the beginning so the sadness didn’t develop further.


5. Well, it always feels nice to have our last words come from ourselves, right?


6. People were intrigued to know why the husband wasn’t planning her funeral and her parents wanted to do it.


It is never easy for any parent to take in the news that their child may not be alive in a few weeks. It just isn’t possible. To such a piece of news, parents tend to react in all sorts of ways and I believe these reactions are justified. After all, they are losing a child they birth and brought up with so much love.

I just can’t even imagine the pain.

Source: u/Dyingisstressful

7. She fully understood why her parents wanted to take control of her funeral planning.

8. I am glad emotions were made to take the decision and everyone reached a consensus.


9. It is not easy…for any parent this news is like lightning striking them and changing their life forever.

10. Peace…that is all she wanted in her last days.


11. I fully agree with her take on funerals.

12. The idea of a party didn’t work…but she got to plan the rest of her funeral all by herself.


13. Time to rest well, see you up there.

Source: u/Dyingisstressful

I really hope you guys enjoyed this emotional story. You really have no idea when life suddenly ends for you. It makes all the future planning seem worthless and irrelevant when you yourself have no idea what is going to happen to you in the very next minute. But this very uncertainty is also what keeps our adrenaline up and makes us do things we would never do, for experience, because we do not know if we will have a tomorrow or not.

Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Stay tuned for more stories!


Via lexicakes

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“I aspire to be as calm as this cat when things are falling apart around me.”


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