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Woman Got Mad At Her Ultra-Traditional Mother For Almost Feeding Her Newborn A Solid

Feeding baby solid

A mother knows her child the best. If there is something she tells others not to do with her child, such a boundary should be honored. Even if it’s the mother’s own parents, if the mother has told you something not to do, you are supposed to refrain from it.


In today’s story, we see the exact opposite of this happen in the case of Reddit user u/WantToLickYourHole. We all know newborn babies should not be fed anything else but milk, preferably breast milk. It helps the child grow, fills it with the required nutrition, and helps develop immunity, naturally, there is everything in the mother’s milk that a baby requires so it does not require any solid diet until 3 to 4 months.

But OP’s religious mother wanted to feed her grandchild solid food, an offering from God that would bless the baby with good health. OP repeatedly told her mother not to bring any solid food close to her child but she still ended up touching it to her child’s lips. OP did not like this at all because she had set a very clear boundary and her mother had no regard for it.

Scroll down below to read how it all went down!

1. A headline that is certainly exciting to make you want to know what happened.


Via u/WantToLickYourHole

2. True, you cannot feed a newborn baby anything other than milk.


Via u/WantToLickYourHole

3. But OP’s religious mother wanted to feed her grandchild a solid religious offering…as a blessing from God.


Via u/WantToLickYourHole

4. Despite being told not to do it…she still touched the food to the baby’s lips.


Via u/WantToLickYourHole

5. OP didn’t like it at all and went off at her mother for risking her child’s health.


Via u/WantToLickYourHole

OP was NTA. Even though her mother didn’t actually put that solid in the baby’s mouth, she still broke a boundary she was repeatedly told not to. It is about dishonoring. OP needs to look after her child with keen eyes because you never know what else her mother may try doing with the grandchild in the name of tradition that may risk his/her life again.

6. OP wanted to know if yelling at her mother for trying to feed her baby solid food was the right thing or not.


Via u/WantToLickYourHole

Here are some of the comments shared on the story:

7. OP said no and her mother didn’t listen.

Via Particular_Title42

8. Most definitely OP has all the right to be angry.


Via dontspeaksoftly

9. Who knows what she may try to do next?

Via KantExplain

10. Imagine if she had fed that thing to the baby. I don’t even want to imagine.


Via Tdluxon

Again, I agree OP’s mother can say she never fed the solid food to the baby and her getting upset is pointless, but it is about a set restriction that was ignored as if it was nothing. You never know what consequence may occur over what thing. So it is best to remain as cautious as you possibly can. I think this is what justifies OP being upset.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via freeposts

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