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Wife Doesn’t Want To Pay For Her Husband’s Business

Wont finance husbands business

Marriage is a partnership that requires mutual respect, support, and compromise. However, not all spouses are on the same page when it comes to their goals, dreams, and finances. One such spouse is a man who has started a small business that he is passionate about, but that is not making any profit. He needs more equipment to expand his business, and he expects his wife to pay for it. His wife, on the other hand, works full time and is also in school, pursuing a degree that will increase her income and career prospects. She does not want to use her hard-earned money to fund her husband’s hobby, especially since she has also been contributing to household expenses and taking care of their kids. She tells him that she is not going to pay for his passion project, and he gets angry and accuses her of being selfish and unsupportive. She feels guilty and conflicted about her decision, and she turns to the infamous subreddit “Am I The A$$hole?” to ask for advice and opinions on her situation.


Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: Redditor

1. Let’s find out.


2. OP’s husband works full-time while she does the same, working from home, along with going to school for completion of her degree and taking care of their two kids.


3. OP shared her husband started a small business of his own but was failing capitalize on its full potential as he didn’t have all the required equipment.


4. OP suggested he takes a small loan to finance the required equipment but he refused. His plan was to use the extra money OP would make after completing her degree.

With higher qualifications, she is bound to get a better job but would she be willing?


5. I knew it. OP didn’t want to finance her husband’s business because she felt he wasn’t putting enough effort in it.


6. OP took the matter to the AITA community to know if not wanting to fund her husband’s passion project makes her an AH or not.


NTA. Just because you are married doesn’t mean you are supposed to blindly support your partner in everything, do whatever the heck they want you to do. OP already does so much for the family while the husband only wants his passion project to work and that too without putting any effort and with someone else’s money.

Sorry sir, but that is not how things work.

Source: Redditor

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

7. He needs a solid reality check that this is not how things are going to work.

Via Mobius_Stripping

8. He will keep demanding more as you continue to grow.


Via lordylordy1115

9. Just know, OP, that his small business will always remain small.

Via jts6987

10. He is counting on something that is yet to come. Just shows how much willing he is to put in his own effort in his own projects.


Via Admirable-Move8624

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via Pooja Sawhney

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