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Entitled People Who Crossed All Limits With Their Audacity

In our everyday life, we encounter so many people from different walks of life. Each one is different from the other in every possible way. Some people are extremely polite and gentle. When they speak, there is a softness in their tone and calmness in their voice. They are well mannered and composed. They stay within their boundaries and maintain their standards when they engage in a conversation with others. However, on the other hand, there are people who are blunt and blind the sentiments of other people. They have no idea about what they’re saying. They don’t have any conversational ethics or skills.


There is a great difference between being straightforward and ill-mannered. Some people just like to have a short, to the point conversation. On the other hand, some just go over the edge with their bluntness. Sometimes it’s a lack of ethics and other times it’s a case of bad parenting. People think life is a joke and they are being funny when they make mock someone without any respect for their sentiments. They would straight off demand things that are absolutely unreasonable or say things that are useless and completely off the topic. Here are 15 times entitled people who crossed all limits with their audacity. These are the people who used to get detention after school. Scroll down to read.

Um, it was just a straight question…


Credits: jbosch2

That’s absurd.


Credits: billybr

But why? They’re doing business.


Credits: zwich

But why Karen? WHY!?


Credits: stacypisstain

Who doesn’t like pizza? I mean, I have not met a single soul in my entire life who said no to pizza. No matter where it’s from, pizza is pizza and it’s supposed to be loved. Although, the more cheese, the better even with less cheese, pizza still tastes great. Put anything on top of the pizza it tastes great, even if they are pineapples. But saying no to pizza that’s being served for FREE, I don’t think a normal person would ever do that. How can someone be so rude? I feel extremely sorry for this Karen. What else can we expect from a Karen anyways? At least nothing positive.

$25 for something worth $115 is quite unfair straight off the bat.


Credits: puunchy

Considering the job description, $100 don’t seem enough.


Credits: keelhaulrose

Sounds like a sh*tty revenge.

Credits: Fareviti

You have one job cashier…


Credits: ExposedCarton62

Well, good luck with that.

Cfredits: ieatchips

That’s a cute bargain.


Credits: livi_loser


Credits: dakotaraptors

Damn, this one was like a slap in the face.


Credits: SneakerReviewZ

Seems like a character sketch of a fictional character.

Credits: TsundereShadowRain

Well, this person’s got a point.


Credits: HimalayanDragon

Buyer rockerd, seller shocked.

Credits: FiredLifeMod

Have you ever crossed path with an entitled person who crossed all limits with their fearlessness? Let us know in the comments below.


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