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Neighborhood Karen Complains About Reddit’s RV Parked In An Empty Field, They Started Parking In Front Of Her Yard

RV In Karen Yard

Good neighbours are difficult to come by.

Living in a close-knit community has its advantages, but it can feel like some neighbours can’t stop themselves from getting involved in everyone else’s business. These nosy neighbours, who constantly peek through curtains and spread gossip, can make it difficult to maintain privacy and boundaries in the neighbourhood. It’s as if they don’t have a life of their own and must spend it staring at everyone to see what they’re up to. It’s exhausting to constantly feel like you’re being observed and judged. While I understand that some neighbours simply want the best for the area in which they live, even if they appear to be the bad guys, many of them go overboard.


Now, I am not saying that one should let their neighbours get away with illegal activities, but it is sometimes best to let others be when they are not causing you any harm. After all, complaining to the city or the HOA about minor issues will not win you any friends. However, the woman in this story clearly missed the memo and decided to call the city the first chance she had. What was the reasoning behind it, you may ask? Well, she did not like the original posters, RV.

Scroll down to read the full story for yourself.

Source: Reddit

RV’s can be a hassle to park, depending on their size.


The OP was enjoying living in the RV and even built a fence so their neighbours wouldn’t be inconvenienced.


But their neighbours were less than happy, and a woman decided to tattle on OP.


There was nothing OP could do to dispute it, so he decided to park somewhere else.


Via Reddit

If Karen had just kept her nose out of everyone’s business, none of this would have occurred. I’m sure she dislikes having to stare at the ‘eyesore’ now that it’s so close to her home. As the OP mentioned, the RV was parked far in the back and few people could see it, so Karen brought this on herself. And, while I don’t condone being petty, especially when it comes to neighbours you have to see every day, there are times when being a little petty is the only way to put Karens in their place. I am confident she will think twice before causing trouble again.

Did I mention the place he parked was in direct eyeline for Karen?


A little pettiness goes a long way.


There should already be a flower like that.

I was not aware of this.


It is an interesting law, however.

Via Reddit

So it was because of the plants.


Now, this would be gorgeous to see.

I bet she would be fuming.


She brought this upon herself.

I hope she was annoyed as well.


Via Reddit

She should definitely be thankful.

This is what I would do.


I am sure she only gives him a side-eye.

It seems there are quite a few petty commenters here.


To be fair, living in an RV sounds fun.

This is how you deal with an annoying neighbour.


Via Reddit

What are your thoughts on how the conflict with the Karen neighbour was handled? What would you have done in this scenario? Let us know in the comments section below, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can add their thoughts as well.


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