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50 Hilarious Tweets About Capitalism That Signify The End Of The World

We all hope the wealth might trickle down someday.

It’s like playing one of those rigged games where you have to keep adding more coins so that you can win a tower of coins. However, no matter how much money you put in, it rarely comes down. And then a person after you come puts one coin in and reaps all the reward for your hard work. We would all like to think that we live in a trickle-down economy but that is clearly not the truth. As the upper crust keeps getting richer and has more money than they know what to do with while the poor don’t even have a roof over their head.


While this is a serious issue and deserves to be addressed as such. Sometimes we all need to have a laugh about all the things people are dealing with in their day-to-day lives. We are well aware that many people support capitalism and they have a myriad of reasons for why they do which we can’t list here today since we weren’t born with a gold spoon in our mouth so we don’t know how it feels like to have everything handed to you.

But what we can do is compile some of the best jokes about capitalism which prove that the apocalypse is already here. And rather than fighting zombies, we would have to fight rich people hoarding all the wealth with all their airplanes and yachts.

#1 This seems quite fair to me. After all, being remorseful is the worst thing you can do in court.

Via reddit

#2 That is what you call a double negative.

Via reddit

#3 I almost forgot about that. Another conspiracy theory?

Via reddit

#4 It is all tied to customer satisfaction anyway.

Via rebeccawatson

#5 This makes much more sense than before.

Via yesimsarahjones

#6 Stop with all the clickbait. We all know the answer.

Via TNeenan

#7 No matter how hard you try, you can never climb out of the quicksand that is known as being poor.

Via reddit

#8 It really should be as simple as that.


#9 But the Government loves to blame the Internet for everything.

Via reddit

#10 Because why make billionaires into millionaires?

Via reddit

#11 At least they love you? And that is all that matters.

Via reddit

#12 Sign me up. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Via reddit

#13 We’d better not look further into this. It won’t end well.

Via Veggiefact

#14 So who won this competition of listing dumb things?

Via reddit

#15 Apply these seven secrets and you too can be homeless because you don’t have a rich family.

Via sannewman

#16 The topmost glass is actually made of very durable latex and just keeps expanding.


#17 It would be just like gambling but people will actually benefit from it.

Via jlukeroberts

#18 Because it is better for the food to go bad than feed the hungry.

Via reddit

#19 This is totally a true fact and you don’t need to check it for yourself.

Via reddit

#20 That is what every bleary-eyed college student thinks until they actually get into the workforce.


#21 What is more likely to happen is that they will fire half of the employees.

Via existentialcoms

#22 What a generous man! If only this world had more people like him.

Via gilbertjasono

#23 They look but they can’t see. Too blinded by all the shiny yachts.

Via reddit

#24 You just have to follow the4th rule, the rest make a negligble difference.

Via theandrewnadeau

#25 But that would be fair and just and our world is never that.

Via reddit

#26 So basically playing monopoly on hardmode?

Via karlremarks

#27 They are all wearing different clothes!

Via scary_commie99

#28 That is the most important question before you get admitted.


#29 Guess it is time to watch the Christmas Carol once again.

Via RedIsDead

#30 There is a legend that if you say the word Union, several managers appear to talk you down off the ledge.

Via burgerdrome

#31 Gaslighting is what capitalists are best at though.

Via reddit

#32 I feel personally attacked by this.

Via reddit

#33 ‘That doesn’t prove anything!’

Via isgoodrum

#34 Some extra bells and whistles to make you feel like it is different.

Via reddit

#35 My dream job is to never have to work again because my parents will pay for everything.

Via themboydeerdog

#36 We sure have progressed as a society.

Via Public_Citizen

#37 While the higher uppers take all the credit and the hard-earned fruit of our labor.

Via HamptonThink

#38 Just look at how all the bottles look so different!


#39 They would all like us to believe that hard work always pays off but it doesn’t.

#40 But are those 48 hours really considered feedom?

Via reddit

#41 The brand image is all that people care about these days.

Via reddit

#42 They just lack self-realization.

Via reddit

#43 Todd has clearly been traumatized through the whole ordeal.


#44 Who needs that many bathrooms? Does he have stomach problems?

Via RBReich

#45 Took them long enough.

Via katearonoff

#46 I bet someone already has but we never got to see it.

Via sickofwolves

#47 Most people’s dream is just to be happy.

Via reddit

#48 But nobody likes to hear that because beating up mentally sick individuals is more fun.

Via osutein

#49 Does anything more even need to be said?

Via reddit

#50 The answer to all our life woes is just to stop being lazy.

Via emoselenass

Have anything to add when it comes to the discussion of capitalism? If so comment down below and let us know.


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