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Employee Asks If She Is In The Wrong For Calling Her Co-Worker A Trust Fund Baby


It is very easy to be envious.

Even if we try hard not to feel these negative emotions, it is difficult to let them go. And they always come out when we meet people who are doing much better than us, not because they worked harder, but because they were dealt a favourable hand in life. Of course, I’m referring to people who have money and power because their parents gave it to them. Now, I’m not saying they’re all spoiled brats or anything, because that would be a lie, but looking at them can make it difficult to feel satisfied with your plot in life.


However, this does not mean that they do not have problems to deal with. People will buzz around them like flies if they find out about their wealth and inheritance. That is where this story comes into play. It’s about a ‘trust fund baby’ who works at a high-end restaurant with the poster of this story. Her grandparents own this establishment and a few others, and the condition for her receiving her trust fund is that she works there. However, not every employee is aware that she is the owner’s granddaughter. And it is this simple fact that has sparked the entire debate.

You can see what I’m talking about by scrolling down.

Source: Reddit

The title does not convey the true intentions behind the story.


But first, we need to get to know Steph, the ‘trust fund baby’ in question.


Apparently, she is a nice enough person if a bit unprofessional in her clothing choices.


Some of the employees don’t like this about her and talk behind her back.


But when Ken realized that she was rich, he quickly changed his tune.


So OP decided to tell Steph the truth and how Ken was only after her money.


Steph took it in stride but Ken wasn’t so lenient with that remark.

To be fair, I don’t believe Steph was even slightly embarrassed or offended by the remark. She appears to be amused and has dealt with similar situations in the past. It is no secret that when someone has a significant amount of wealth, some people suddenly put on rose-coloured glasses. So I’d even say that OP did Steph a favour by informing her of Ken’s true intentions from the start. After all, if he truly liked her, he wouldn’t have spoken behind her back before discovering who she was.

People in the comments completely understood OP’s position.


To be fair, this would make a pretty good soap opera.


She does seem to be a very nice person.

However, I will have to agree that this seems a bit unprofessional.


I would have to agree with this comment wholeheartedly.

Steph must have dealt with this kind of thing a multiple of times.


It didn’t seem like Steph was and about that so I would say it is perfectly fine.

Please express your thoughts on this matter. Do you believe OP interjected where she should not have? Or do you think she did the right thing, despite the risk of annoying Ken? What would you have done if you had been in her shoes? Let us know in the comments section, and don’t forget to share this story with your friends so they can share their experiences as well.


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