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35 Freeloaders That Have Set New Examples Of Shamelessness

Some people just always want things to go according to their plans. They are perfectionists who can go to all extents to shape things according to their desires. Whether it’s buying or selling of property or getting a free service, they want everything to be in accordance with their imagination.


The weird thing is that they won’t even hesitate in making absurd requests. For example, asking for free stuff. It’s not that they can’t pay for the product/services they are acquiring, but they just don’t want to spend their money. The infuriating part is where they start arguing and acting as if it’s their right to get things for free. But if we reverse roles and someone asks them something for free, they would simply refuse and tell them how wrong they are for asking. The internet is full of examples of such choosing beggars and freeloaders. Here are 35 choosing beggars and freeloaders that have set new examples of shamelessness.

Via youandmeandrainbows

Epic comeback!


Not gonna lie freeloaders are annoying as f*ck.


They say if you’re good at something, never do it for free. This is exactly how it’s supposed to be, but it appears some people have stuffed noise-cancelling earplugs in their ears. They can’t hear people say they are selling their services. It’s like they have some sort of selective hearing algorithm in their brain. They only hear about the “services,” ignoring the selling part and demand people to give them everything for free. Such people are so damn annoying and irritating. They want all the luxuries without having to work/pay for them.

This one wants a $1200 car for $60. *face palm*


Isn’t that ironic?


How does that even work?


Be experimental with it.


This one is the father of all choosing beggars.

The question is not how, it’s why…


And then we have people like these.

Another one trying to get it all for free.


Why don’t you get your own camera and take your own photos?

Well, that’s rude.


That’s hilarious!

What a waste of time.


Check out this one’s audacity.

Donation is a donation…


What a freak.

Funny how they’re trying to negotiate the price.


This is so embarrassing. How do people do that?

People need to start taking freelancers more seriously.


Good lucky, buddy.

There are no friendships or relationships when it comes to business.


Gold digger 100

Someone please donate them some Nike.


The annoying choosing beggar.

This one’s high maintenance.


This one’s selling some used games.

Shut up call for people who ask for free services.


Lash extensions are a luxury.

Don’t adopt a pet if you can’t afford one.


Check this one out.

Consider getting a job.


The prices are non-negotiable.

Crazy negotiations.


All for a pizza.

Some people have no personal standards or boundaries. When it comes to getting free stuff and getting things that they desire, they won’t hesitate to make the worst possible requests. We all have encountered choosing beggars and freeloaders at some point in our lives. Do share your experiences with us in the comments below. We love to hear from you.


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