Having a child is a major blessing. Yes, parenting is a huge challenge but the bliss that comes along makes it absolutely worth it. When the woman gets pregnant, both soon-to-be parents start guessing the gender of the baby until a point comes when you can go to the doctor, have some scans/tests conducted, and get a confirmation on whether you would have a baby girl or a baby boy. Now suppose you have gotten a confirmation that you are going to have a boy and inform your other family members. How would you feel if they refused to believe you and demanded copies of the scans that you got done to confirm it yourself? Weird, right? You won’t be able to find the right word for the feeling that this woman induced in the heart of a pregnant woman by sharing an odd way to confirm her baby’s gender.
Reddit user u/Edselmonster shared that she had a Q-natal blood test instead of an ultrasound to confirm the gender of her baby; it was a boy.
OP’s father had been dating a woman, after her mother’s passing, who OP did not like. She demanded the ultrasound scans from OP to confirm the gender of the baby despite being told it was a boy. OP told her she didn’t have a scan, and instead gave a blood sample. Upon asking why she needed the scan, she said she wanted to confirm if it was a boy by looking at its genitals. Yes, you read that right. And surely you cannot think of a suitable word to describe your feelings either. Just imagine how OP would have felt.
Scroll down below to read the story!
Source: u/Edselmonster
1. This is such an awkward title, I swear.
2. OP did a Q-natal blood test to confirm she was having a baby boy.
3. Groodie is OP’s father’s girlfriend whom he started dating after his wife passed away. OP hasn’t had the best relationship with Groodie.
4. The reason why OP hates Groodie is that she has no boundaries.
5. OP along with her siblings were always complimented for their good manners in the family but Groodie seemed to have alternative thoughts.
6. Comin to the story, one day Groodie approached OP to ask for ultrasound pictures to confirm the gender of the baby.
7. OP told Groodie she had a blood test instead of the scan.
8. Despite OP telling her the blood test was accurate, Groodie said she wanted to see the Ultrasound scan to see if the baby really was a boy by looking at its genitalia.
What did she just say? She is referring to the child’s private parts as “junk”. First of all, that is rude and would make anyone feel uncomfortable. Secondly, this is so gross. What is this way to confirm a kid’s gender? This woman has no regard for privacy, not even for a child that is yet to come into this world.
Also, OP told her it was a boy. She should’ve just congratulated and that should have been the end of it. But some people like to poke their noses in everyone’s business.
Let’s see what happens next. Scroll down below to continue reading!
Source: u/Edselmonster
9. OP made it very clear to Groodie that no one would be allowed to see her kid’s genitalia.
She can confirm the gender some other way but not like this.
10. Groodie got really mad and took off for being refused.
11. It is sad that OP has to put this message forward. This was quite an understood thing…but now I know, it isn’t.
Source: u/Edselmonster
Here are some of the comments shared on the story:
12. Groodie is a gross woman.
Via emr830
13. Oh my god, what is it with these people not caring about other people’s privacy? Who gave them the right?
Via NotTodayPsycho
14. OP should inform her father about what happened. Get him out of this turmoil before it is too late.
15. This is the way to go about it.
Via ycey
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more stories!
Via u/clumpytrack711
Cat tax.
“I’m so happy the neighborhood cat has got adopted.”
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