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This Experience Of Customer At A Retail Store Demonstrates Not All Retail Experiences Are Terrible

tale from retail store

We have read a thousand stories about the domain of customer service being so challenging and difficult. The toughness in this domain can work both ways, a good customer may come across an extremely terrible server and a great server may have to deal with an extremely rude and stubborn customer. Needlessly to say, the ratio of bad customers is much higher than the servers and you really have to have high patience and strong passion for the job in order to get through.


However, there are always exceptions in everything, and the same goes for the customer service domain as well. Sometimes neither the customer is bad nor the customer service provider. I know this sounds quite unlikely but I have a story for you guys today to prove this.

Reddit user u/Salad___Fingers works at an electronics retail store and shared his story about a customer coming in one day to buy a laptop. OP, while showing the customers some options that fit the specifications he provided, noticed that he was already carrying a laptop. Upon enquiring, OP got told that the laptop doesn’t work and that another store is charging £400 for it. OP requested to take a look at the laptop and quickly realized it had no issue and all it needed was a quick reset. Within 2 minutes, the laptop was back to life and OP didn’t charge anything for it. That’s the great customer service side. The customer then returned the very next day and brought along a delicious cake for OP to say his thanks. And there you have the great customer side as well.

Scroll down below to read this beautiful story filled with nothing but goodness!

1. OP works at an electronics retailer.



Via u/Salad___Fingers

2. One day customer came in to shop for a laptop.


Via u/Salad___Fingers

3. OP showed him a few laptops that fit his description.


Via u/Salad___Fingers

4. They don’t come cheap.


Via u/Salad___Fingers

5. OP noticed the customer was already carrying a laptop, so he enquired about it.


Via u/Salad___Fingers

6. The customer explains his MacBook’s issue and OP requests to take a look at it.

Via u/Salad___Fingers

7. OP also realized, by noticing a sticker on it, that some other computer shop has also taken a look at the laptop.


Via u/Salad___Fingers

8. The customer confirmed that they didn’t open it but demanded £400 to fix whatever the issue was. That is a lot of money.


Via u/Salad___Fingers

9. OP decided to check the issue out himself.

Via u/Salad___Fingers

10. And just with a little reset, the MacBook turned on.


Via u/Salad___Fingers

OP is the perfect definition of a nice person. He, too, could’ve made up an issue that did not exist, with the laptop, and maybe charge half of what that other store demanded. That would’ve been easy money for him because a £200 fix would’ve felt much more reasonable to him especially when the customer had no idea about what the issue was, that the other company was charging £400, and that the new could’ve cost him £1000. But OP didn’t fraud the customer, he was really nice and helped a brother out. I love this.

Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

11. The customer couldn’t believe what he had just seen.

Via u/Salad___Fingers

12. OP ran some tests and everything seemed to be working fine.


Via u/Salad___Fingers

13. The laptop only required a new charger… That was all.

Via u/Salad___Fingers

14. University life man… It really is a whole chapter with its own joys and stresses.


Via u/Salad___Fingers

15. The kindest OP didn’t charge anything for the fix.

Via u/Salad___Fingers

16. The customer walks out of the store a happy man with a fixed laptop that he didn’t have to pay anything for.


Via u/Salad___Fingers

17. However, the customer returned the very next day and brought some goodies along for OP.

Via u/Salad___Fingers

18. Everyone walked out happy that day. I love this!


Via u/Salad___Fingers

19. Not all customers are like Karens we are all so familiar with.

Via u/Salad___Fingers

There is still hope.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via Meg Victoria

Cat tax.

“Cuddling with me under the covers. She’s always there when I’m sad. Hunter loves her mum, even if it is mostly for warmth and treats. Spoily kitty”


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