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Pregnant SIL Expects Woman To Give Her Dog Away Because It Would Give Her Baby Infection

Get rid of dogs

Dogs are man’s best friend. They care for their owners, at times, unlike their biological children. They keep their owners and people around them happy and resultantly happy. You can say their spot in the lives of their owners is like just the one a permanent companion has. But not everyone seems to appreciate their loyalty and love. One dog owner, u/yellowshiner, shared their dilemma when their pregnant sister-in-law demanded that they get rid of their dog before the arrival of their new baby. OP was shocked and hurt by this request, as they loved their dog and had never had any problems with it. They also had the support of their husband, who did not want to lose their furry companion. The matter caused her a lot of confusion because she didn’t want to end the relationship between her and her yet-to-arrive nephew/niece either.

OP turned to the r/relationships subreddit for advice and received an overwhelming response from the community who sympathized with them and offered their opinions.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/yellowshiner

1. You know how sensitive people are about their pets…let’s see how this one goes.


2. When OP’s SIL got pregnant, it was going to be the first baby in her in-laws after 26 years.


3. When OP showed her excitement to SIL about becoming an aunt and wanting to babysit it. However, SIL said if OP wanted her baby in her house, she would have to get rid of her dog.


4. OP shared that her dog is neat and clean and harms no one. She also shared examples of the dog enjoying the presence of people…SIL being one of them.



5. OP doesn’t understand why SIL doesn’t want her dog around her baby EVER. Temporariness could be understood but not this.


Source: u/yellowshiner

6. She made it very clear unless the dog was given up for adoption, SIL would not risk getting her baby infected by bringing it near the dog.


7. This wasn’t the first time SIL became a mother so why is it that now she is creating a fuss around the dog going near her child?

8. OP doesn’t want to give away her dog…neither does she want to end the relationship between her and her niece/nephew.


9. So she shared the story on the internet to ask how she should approach the situation.

Source: u/yellowshiner

I think SIL is being terrible here. There is no question about how OP should approach this situation. She loves her dog and knows it will not harm anyone it knows, so the baby would never be in danger. Secondly, everything in this world can cause an infection to anyone, so why keep the dog away specifically? This argument by SIL made no sense. Although this story was not shared on the AITA subreddit, I would still call SIL an AH for making this demand. That is because she knew very well how excited OP was about being an aunt and she knew a situation was never going to arise where she would give her own dog up for adoption.

So this was just SIL trying to manipulate OP  and confuse the life out of her.

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

10. Demands…and irrational demands…pathetic.


Via Niapp

11. Exactly! When it comes to kids getting an infection, they can get infected by anything.

Via fredlet

12. Ultimately this is how it is going to be if SIL continues with this drama.


Via TheDeaFlog

13. In no multiverse do I see OP giving her dog away for adoption after such an irrational demand.

Via MiaOh

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via Katie Matthews

Dog tax.

“Laying on a gorgeous secluded beach in Croatia, and this guy suddenly comes & cools himself down in the seawater.”


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