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Thief Steals Credit Card Number Of Guy And Books A Flight, Guy Cancels The Flight And Upsets The Scammer

Every profession requires skills. Even stealing requires the thief to have a certain skill set that he/she applies to conduct the robbery in a way that no one can catch them. But as we all know, anomalies exist everywhere, even in the thieving world. One such anomaly is at the center of the story we have got for you guys today.


Reddit user AshesfallforAshton shared how one time his credit card number got hacked. The information was stored in his Gmail account and the hacker retrieved it by signing into that account. He then proceeded to book a flight using OP’s credit card details. As soon as OP got the notification about the transaction, he quickly called the bank to have it canceled. OP also got his money refunded by logging onto the same website the hacker logged into to book his ticket and canceling the booking from there by himself.

The troubles were over but hilarity and confusion were yet to come. As the thief realized his booking had been canceled, he got upset and emailed OP asking why he canceled the tickets. Yes, you read that right. Ready for this mini rollercoaster? Scroll down below to read how it all went down.

1. I know people can be dumb but could someone really be this dumb? Turns out they can.


Via u/AshesfallforAshton

2. OP’s credit card got hacked and the thief used it to buy an air ticket online.


Via u/AshesfallforAshton

3. OP quickly called his bank and canceled the transaction. He then logged in to the same account and got an instant refund as well. The hacker’s plan to enjoy a trip on someone else’s money got reversed.


Via u/AshesfallforAshton

4. But things did not end there, the hacker decided to email OP to argue about why he canceled the ticket. This is unbelievable and extremely hilarious.


Via u/AshesfallforAshton

5. Here is the email in its full glory. This thief just disappointed the entire thief community.


Via u/AshesfallforAshton

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

6. This person had their Spotify hacked but had to change their password because the hacker’s music taste was terrible.


Via Su*k_Me_Dry666

7. True, I would’ve had so much fun with that dude.

Via Old_Goat_Ninja

Mr. Thief, there is still time. There are better professions for you out there. At least don’t disgrace the best of thieves out there by literally emailing the guy you robbed. On a real one though, this was extremely hilarious. This was a once-in-a-lifetime event, definitely one to remember. And OP is surely never going to forget it. This will be a good story for the festive get-togethers.

8. I think he is already crazy enough. This would’ve made his head blow.


Via Thick_Class1057

9. People need to up their game because this person has set new standards for stup*dity.

Via ShadyVermin

10. Judging by his mental capacity, he would have done that too.


Via SadPandaLoves

11. I swear OP should have responded with this.

Via humburga

12. He will retire as a thief in no time. This career path does not suit him.


Via forbis

13. Now this is a new spin on it. Maybe the thief bought the ticket and instantly sold it ahead to someone else.

Via T444W

14. And then give it to the police.


Via thebestspeler

The thief did not achieve his purpose that day but he did manage to do one thing successfully, and that was to make us all laugh with his dumbness. So, thank you for that.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via 2LoveBirds

Cat tax.

“The neighbor’s cat is curious about our fake raven.”


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