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Neighbor Wants Homeowner To Pay Their Child’s Medical Bills After Child Hurt Himself In Driveway

Never invade anyone’s property.

Buying your own home is a dream come true. You buy new furniture and organize your house the way you want it. Obviously, you don’t want anyone to harm your house in any way. What if some kids start ruining the yard and driveway of your newly bought house? Would you tolerate it? Of course not. A Reddit user u/tapurplepudding bought a new house. He noticed some kids playing in their driveway, he went to their parents and asked them to stop their kids for their safety as they will be moving in a few days and there will be trucks involved.


For some days, the kids did not come but after a few days, they noticed them again. The couple went to the parents again but they laughed it off. It happened again and the couple complained again but the parents did not take it seriously and told them that the previous owners never mind it. Then, the couple sent them a certified email that clearly said the kids would not be allowed to play, dig or draw in OP’s property. Yet the kids did not stop and one of the kids ended up getting hurt himself. His parents accused OP of causing this harm to their kid and that he is responsible for all the medical bills. Scroll down to read the whole story.

1. OP bought a house last year and noticed toys in the driveway.


Via u/tapurplepudding

2. OP and his wife told the kids’ parents that it is not safe to have the kids in the driveway as there will be trucks for moving.


Via u/tapurplepudding

3. Kids were not playing in the driveway when they moved in but they were digging in the side yard.


Via u/tapurplepudding

4. OP and his wife went to the kids’ parents and asked them to stop their kids from digging in the yard.


Via u/tapurplepudding

5. Kids did not stop, the couple went to their parents again and let them know they did not want the kids in their driveway.


Via u/tapurplepudding

6. On Sunday, the kids were again riding bikes in the driveway.


Via u/tapurplepudding

7. A kid rode his bike straight into the truck.

Via u/tapurplepudding

8. The kid’s father came to OP’s house and told them that they are responsible for the medical bills of the kid.


Via u/tapurplepudding

9. What OP needs to do:

Via u/No-Policy-4095

10. Report them to the police.


Via u/That_Contribution720

11. Call the police and contact a lawyer.

Via u/Whitestaunton

It’s clear that these entitled parents have no shame. There is a thing called “privacy” and we guess, these people are not aware of this word. Their kids were ruining others’ property and they were cool with it. Can you sense the level of entitlement here? And when their kid got himself hurt, they came screaming and accused the homeowners. How disgusting do you have to be to accuse others instead of holding yourself accountable? Reddit users have suggested OP to call the police and contact the lawyers and take legal action against them. What do you think? Is OP the AH or NTA?


What do you think?