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Women Asks Everyone To Put Money In A Pregnancy Jar, She Made, Every Time They Would Ask About Her Pregnancy

Woman came up with a creative idea to avoid annoying questions about pregnancy.

In our upbringing, we have been taught to do and avoid certain things. For instance, we all have been taught to avoid asking the age or weight of a person, not to judge anyone for how they look, never make rude comments to someone just because you are angry, and there is one more thing that we all know we shouldn’t be going around asking, and that is to ask a married woman when is she planning to have children.


Questions about pregnancy start hitting the couple as soon as they get married. As if it is a ritual to get pregnant as soon as you get married and if you don’t you are bound to go to hell. I mean, I do get it people are just excited and cannot wait for another member of the family to enter the world but if you look at things from the couple’s perspective, a lot of thinking has to go into this before the big decision is made. Having children is no joke, it is a proper responsibility and I have seen couples terribly fail at it. So yeah, questions about pregnancy can get very annoying.

One married woman who was very annoyed with these pregnancy questions came up with a very creative idea to stop all this. In order to stop everyone from literally forcing them into creating a baby, the wife took an empty jar and labeled it the “Pregnancy Jar”. The idea was to carry this jar everywhere she would go and every time someone would ask the couple anything related to pregnancy, she would bring out the jar, and the person who had asked the question would have to donate $1 in order for the question to be answered. Now, this is so damn hilarious and a perfect way to stop being hit with these questions. But as we all know, human psychology runs both ways and this could possibly hurt some people.

So, OP (the wife) decided it was time to call upon the sacred community members of the subreddit, Am I The Asshole. They always get it right, right? She asked them if she was wrong for creating a pregnancy jar and making people donate every time they would ask a question about pregnancy.

Let’s read through the whole story and then decide if the wife was an AH or NTA.

Scroll down to read!

1. Let’s see whose way this pregnancy jar worked.


Via u/thasyojar2013

2. The couple hasn’t been able to have a baby after trying for 6 years, they don’t have a problem with it but friends and family do.


Via u/thasyojar2013

3. In order to avoid questions regarding pregnancy, OP made a pregnancy jar, and every time anyone from the family or friends asks a question about the said topic, they would have to donate $1 to the jar. Smart idea!


Via u/thasyojar2013

4. The plan actually worked as the questions stopped coming after about 4 months of this activity.


Via u/thasyojar2013

5. Uh ho, looks like the brother has no idea about the “Pregnancy Jar”.


Via u/thasyojar2013

6. I wonder how the brother would take it. It does seem a bit hilarious to me but I am not her brother.


Via u/thasyojar2013

7. She made the brother pay but the situation certainly doesn’t seem funny.

Via u/thasyojar2013

8. So things did get awkward. Mom asked OP to stop with this jar thing as it is very childish.


Via u/thasyojar2013

9. The matter got worse as OP got upset with her mother trying to make her understand that everyone is just concerned. The couple decided to leave.

Via u/thasyojar2013

10. Her sister also called her childish for the whole jar thing. The matter made her turn to the AITA subreddit.


Via u/thasyojar2013

Did you guys notice something? Neither did the wife now the husband blame each other for them not being able to get pregnant. This shows their mutual understanding and literacy on the matter. I really loved this Often husbands blame wives and wives blame husbands and marriages turn into divorces. But this couple is in it together and the two are waiting for the right moment.

Coming over to the main matter, I personally do not think OP was an AH in this case. Such topics are so sensitive and women do get stressed when constantly asked why aren’t they able to have babies with their husbands. Such questions can cause emotional damage. And the route OP took to avoid the question, I don’t think it was offensive or something. In fact, it did seem very creative and hilarious. But the brother found it embarrassing and so did OP’s family. We all have different psychologies.

My vote is that OP was not the AH and was actually a very creative person.

Here’s what the internet had to say:

11. She certainly does.

Via u/thasyojar2013

12. Exactly, it’s their choice, their life, their decision. No one should ask questions about their matters.


Via u/thasyojar2013

13. Smart idea.

Via u/thasyojar2013

14. That would embarrass the party questioning beyond belief.


Via u/thasyojar2013

15. Looks like the community is in complete favor of OP’s idea of creating a pregnancy jar.

Via u/thasyojar2013

16. The idea encouraged other women as well.


Via u/thasyojar2013

What do you guys think? Share your thoughts and votes in the comments section down below.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one. Stay tuned for more!


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