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Guy Tells Woman To ‘Shut Up’ Her Baby So His Dad Taught Him A Lesson

Moms are no strangers to difficulty in public due to the actions of strangers. Already exhausted by looking after their kid, and losing sleep to try and calm the crying child, they’re usually already at their wit’s end, so whenever someone oversteps, they have to fight the urge to blow up at them there and then. It’s not an uncommon story, you can ask any mother what life was like when they were raising their infant, and all of them would have horror stories like this.


Usually, they have to just swallow their anger and take the comments of a stranger in stride, so it’s surprising when someone got their instant karma. It started out with a Facebook post a few years ago, that quickly exploded and went viral, where the mom outlined what happened over breakfast. It was a simple post, and she explained that the moment the son, who was twenty years old, uttered his disdain, his father quickly fixed the situation.

Source: MummyPages

This is Lucy Hatami and her son


Motherhood is a wonderful, powerful thing. Berkeley did an article on how to mentally prepare when you’re about to become a parent!

How are you going to share the load—the emotional load, financial load, and domestic load? How will you have time to take care of yourselves as individuals and as a couple, and what are the ways in which you will continue to nurture your relationship that fall under the “romantic” and not under the work of parenting? I think that’s important—for the health of relationships—to create space that is about romantic connection, even after you have children.

How can you be mad at this face?



Another thing I would say to couples is about the fantasy that having a baby will bond you and your partner together. While certainly that is the case for some couples, new parenthood is also often a stress in the relationship. So to work on the emotional health of your relationship before becoming parents is really important.

It happened in Flamstead, UK


This is the whole family


What do you think? Do you think this even happened because a lot of people believe she faked it!


What do you think?