
Business Refuses To Refund $40 So This Guy Made Them Pay Four Times

Customer is always right.

Has it ever happened to you that you buy something and had to return it for some reason but you were hesitant because the seller might not refund you your money?


Its not the first time you would be hearing such a story. But this one has a twist at the end.

This lady ordered a special customized gift for her husband which did not exactly end up they way she wanted it to be. And to top it off, the seller refused to pay them back for the blunder. But that’s not it. Scroll down to find out how the couple benefited from the seller’s rude behavior.

1. If I was in their shoes, I would have made the seller wear this. No wonder they wanted a refund.

Via u/samunseen

2. Here’s how it all started.

Via u/samunseen

3. Something to learn from the story.

Via u/samunseen

4. Been there, done that.

Via u/samunseen

5. Where there is will, there is a way.

Via u/samunseen

6. Good news. But there’s more.

Via u/samunseen

7. So called “business”.

Via u/samunseen

8. And that’s how you do it!

Via u/samunseen

I’m pretty sure most of us are going to be more careful of such situations. And Godforbid, if someone does fall in such trap, you know what to do!


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