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Cousin Scolds 7 Year Old For Ruining Her Bed With Slime

Slime on bed

After a child turns 3, it can properly and thoroughly understand anything you tell it. Whether it is something you tell your baby to do or something you tell it to not do, it realizes what has been said. It then depends on the parents’ upbringing of the child that will tell if it wants to implement what it has been asked to do.


Reddit user Angelofchristine has a 7-year-old cousin. Now before I get into the story, I believe we all agree that 7-year-olds have enough senses to understand things they are told to do or not to do. This one was told by OP to not go in her room, multiple times. But the little one still did it, that too with slime in her hand. And she smushed the slime all over her bedsheets. This made OP really angry and she began her cousin. In return, she got scolded by her cousin’s parents for being inconsiderate.

OP decided to share the story on the infamous subreddit “Am I The A$$hole?” to know if she did the right thing or not by scolding her little cousin for ruining her bedsheets.

Scroll down below to read the story.

1. Let’s find out!


Via u/Angelofchristine

2. Little cousin went into OP’s room with slime despite her telling her not to go in there.


Via u/Angelofchristine

3. And she gets it all over her bedsheets. OP scolded her for what she did.


Via u/Angelofchristine

4. The cousin’s parents called OP inconsiderate but her own parents sided with her. Confused, she took the matter to the AITA community.


Via u/Angelofchristine

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

5. The 7-year-old did not listen. The blame goes to her parents for that.


Via Burning-Potato42069

6. Mutually the community said a seven-year-old has enough senses to understand being told not to do something. This was a matter of not being disciplined properly by her parents.


Via kavk27

NTA. This wasn’t exactly an issue of OP’s bedsheet getting dirty even though she does say it was her favorite bedsheet and all. The main issue here was that the little girl did not listen to the instructions given to her by OP. She was clearly told not to go in the room but she still did it. And this happened because the girl was not brought up the way she was supposed to be. She is still young, though. Her parents can still right the wrong. But for that, they will first have to realize and accept their mistake.

7. They did the same thing OP did, get mad at a little one. So if they think OP is an AH, then the uncle and aunt are AHs as well.

Via Prestigious-Trash324

8. Maybe the parents did take a verbal stand in favor of OP in front of the uncle and aunt, maybe they didn’t. We don’t know that.


Via shuckyducked

9. She will grow up to become one of those beings who make a mess knowing her parents will take care of it.

Via small_monster_

10. If she cannot obey you and her parents are not willing to understand her mistake, then stop interacting with these people.


Via chart1961

11. Yes, do that.

Via Wrangellite

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!


Via ShirePony

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