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Employee Got Fired For Accidentally Making A Joke At The Expense Of Company Owner’s Disabled Daughter

Fired Accidentally

Accidents can cost us a lot. For some people accidents can cost lives, for others it can cost them their job. Reddit user u/bookluvr83 had one of these accidents and lost his job because of it while he was still on probation.


During a quarterly retreat that took place at the company. Everyone was there including OP as well the owner of the business and his disabled daughter, Amy. Amy also worked in the company.

All employees participated in some teambuilding exercises that were conducted. In one exercise, the workers were tasked to create something to convince potential clients. Amy, due to her disability, made a drawing that didn’t look the best. Everyone was allowed to critique each other’s work and people were laughing at and joking about terrible work as well as complimenting the good effort. Everything was being taken lightly until OP make a joke about a drawing that looked extremely terrible.

Turns out that the drawing belonged to Amy. OP’s boss fired him for this and he didn’t have much time to process what had happened as he quickly got escorted out of the building by security.

Scroll down below to read how it all went down!

1. Fasten your seatbelt and enjoy this long, dramatic story with lots of ups and downs.


Via u/bookluvr83

2. While stressed he now has to look for a new job, OP decided to share the story of how he lost his previous one.


Via u/bookluvr83

3. In the previous company OP was still on probation, working in the sales and advertising department.


Via u/bookluvr83

4. OP had high ambitions that he would successfully pass the probation period and start full-time.


Via u/bookluvr83

5. Everything was going smoothly for OP until the company’s quarterly retreat took place. All employees gathered at the main regional office.


Via u/bookluvr83

6. The owner was also present at the retreat along with his disabled daughter, Amy.


Via u/bookluvr83

7. OP was advised by his coworker to be nice to Amy. To OP it felt Amy’s main struggle was linked with her not being able to completely express herself.

Via u/bookluvr83

8. Amy also had difficulty moving her body around the way she wanted to. OP decided to share the only interaction he had had with Amy before the main event happened.


Via u/bookluvr83

9. OP interacted with Amy one time when he went to refill his coffee and saw her struggle to make one for herself. He decided to help by making her coffee.

Via u/bookluvr83

10. The two had a cute little chat, thanked each other, and went back their ways.


Via u/bookluvr83

11. During the retreat everyone participated in various team-building exercises.

Via u/bookluvr83

12. Then came the last exercise of the day where employees in groups of three had to attract fictitious clients through any strategy i.e. make illustrations, use slogans, etc.


Via u/bookluvr83

13. This exercise was important because the owner was already in touch with the members of the list of clients he gave to the workers. So impressing the owner with his work could potentially result in OP landing an account.

Via u/bookluvr83

14. OP and his group submitted a recording of a rhyming jingle they made for the brand they selected.


Via u/bookluvr83

15. After everyone submitted their work, everyone gathered up for the critique.

Via u/bookluvr83

16. Some outcomes got great compliments while some got laughed upon. The ones who made bad products didn’t get offended by the laughs and the mood was chill all around.


Via u/bookluvr83

17. OP’s jingle rhyme also got mixed feedback, laughs, and praise, which he took with a bright smile on his face. Good guy!

Via u/bookluvr83

18. After having his own product reviewed, OP felt a little relaxed giving feedback on other works. He gave all sorts of feedback on all sorts of products including a joke he made about a 3-year-old making a drawing that he saw followed by a laugh.


Via u/bookluvr83

19. But he was the only one who laughed. There was pin-drop silence in the room after he made that joke. The owner did not like that comment at all and OP’s boss told him to get back to his desk.

Via u/bookluvr83

20. Don’t tell me it was Amy’s drawing…


Via u/bookluvr83

21. Yes, it was her’s! This won’t go well for OP.

Via u/bookluvr83

22. Everyone was joking and the mood was light so OP, having no idea it was Amy’s drawing, decided to joke about it as well.


Via u/bookluvr83

23. As soon as the event ended, OP tried apologizing to his boss for what happened.

Via u/bookluvr83

24. But none of it was going to work. OP got fired.


Via u/bookluvr83

25. It was clear that OP had been fired for joking about Amy’s drawing.

Via u/bookluvr83

26. Without being allowed to even process the news, the security got called and OP got escorted out of the office.


Via u/bookluvr83

27. An hour later, one of OP’s ex-teammates called him to join them at the bar and have a drink one last time. OP agreed.

Via u/bookluvr83

28. OP thought he might as well talk to his coworkers for references as now he would be searching for a new job. So he went to the bar.


Via u/bookluvr83

29. The teammates shared that crude drawing that Amy made is standard practice, she does that on every retreat and everyone always says nice things about them.

Via u/bookluvr83

30. If only OP knew this before. It was too late now, he had already lost his job.


Via u/bookluvr83

31. OP got to know more about Amy, that how she barely works at one of the satellite offices she is mostly at.

Via u/bookluvr83

32. It is kind of unfortunate that Amy’s dad would leave her at one of the offices to be babysit by other workers because he didn’t want to be bothered.


Via u/bookluvr83

33. The team shared Amy was desperate to get married and her father would go on to hara*s simple employees to go on dates with her in order for her to get into a relationship with one.

Via u/bookluvr83

34. It was clear that Amy herself didn’t understand relationships well and this idea of her getting married was structured by her father.


Via u/bookluvr83

What a story this is so far, wow! I actually feel so bad for both OP and Amy. Bad for OP because he had no idea the drawing was made by the boss’ daughter. His reaction was completely honest and based on the fact that no one was being offended by people joking about their work. Poor OP lost his job for accidentally disrespecting the company’s owner’s daughter.

I also feel really bad for Amy now that things are unfolding. According to OP’s teammates, now previous, Amy’s father doesn’t care about her and tries to avoid her as much as possible. The only reason why he is trying to get her married is to be done with the responsibility he probably feels is a burden.

I hope Amy’s life gets better. Let’s see what happened next. Scroll down below to continue reading!

35. The team members also told OP they would happily give OP a reference.

Via u/bookluvr83

36. Oh…now this is big news. Amy sent a friend request to OP. Why?


Via u/bookluvr83

37. OP went into a dilemma of whether to accept the request or ignore it.

Via u/bookluvr83

38. He decided to give himself some time, process and absorb everything that had happened so far, and then resume life.


Via u/bookluvr83

I am sure you guys are curious to know “What about the friend request?”. Well, here’s an update OP made to share all of that.

I am so happy OP shared the update. Like, he left us on a major cliffhanger by sharing he had received a Facebook friend request from Amy. Why did she send him the request? What does she want to say? What interaction will they have? We will now find out.

39. OP finally resorted to his best buddy Dave for advice who he considered his brother from another mother.

Via u/bookluvr83

40. Dave advised OP to accept the friend request, apologize to Amy, and clear his heart out.


Via u/bookluvr83

41. Finally accepted her friend request and sent an apology message to Amy. She responded by thanking him and proceeded to apologize to OP as well for being the reason he lost his job.

Via u/bookluvr83

42. Amy requested if she could send OP a note, and he agreed.

Via u/bookluvr83

43. I wonder what the note will say.

Via u/bookluvr83

44. She shared she incurred a brain injury when she was little and it makes her take a lot of time to type messages..she was apologizing for responding slowly.

Via u/bookluvr83

45. OP assured her he was completely fine with it.

Via u/bookluvr83

46. The two kept chatting for hours and it made OP feel the two could become good friends.

Via u/bookluvr83

47. Their entire interaction mostly revolved around Amy and her condition. OP wanted to know more about it.

Via u/bookluvr83

48. Amy shared she received her injury while she was in a car that met an accident. Her mother couldn’t survive it and Amy’s motor abilities got compromised.

Via u/bookluvr83

49. This just goes on to show Amy was never mentally challenged.

Via u/bookluvr83

50. Amy’s main issue revolved around communication. No one had the patience to wait as she would take a while to respond.

Via u/bookluvr83

51. The chat circled back to apologizing to Amy for joking about her drawing with her saying she only got upset because she knew things were about to go terribly for OP.

Via u/bookluvr83

52. Amy told OP she felt super upset when she learned OP had been fired. She tried convincing her father to reserve his decision but he didn’t listen.

Via u/bookluvr83

53. Amy just feels bad she can’t make any contributions to anything but feels very good when she gets busy and tasks are assigned to her.

Via u/bookluvr83

54. She tries her level best to make her father proud but he just doesn’t communicate with her the way she expects from him.

Via u/bookluvr83

55. The way these two are talking, I sense a lot of chemistry between them.

Via u/bookluvr83

56. The two had been talking for quite some time and now it was time to say goodnight and rest well.

Via u/bookluvr83

57. OP is understanding her really well at this point.

Via u/bookluvr83

58. So it was a goodnight, not a goodbye. Amy showed hints of interest by leaving the conversation only to continue it again on a topic of mutual interest. I like where this friendship is going.

Via u/bookluvr83

Here’s the internet’s view on this:

59. If Amy gets into college, I am sure she will pass out with flying colors.

Via spaceyjaycey

60. I am happy OP and Amy became friends after all that happened.

Via Rainy_roleplaying

61. Definitely not!

Via Historical_Earth_287

I know it was a long one but I really hope you guys enjoyed it. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below. State your views on Amy’s Dad, on OP’s approach, and on Amy herself.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via itsonlyliz

Dog tax.

“I was given a kitten. My dog thinks it’s her baby.”


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