People who have mentally and physically hurt you for half of your entire life are not easy to forget. They leave a dark mark that is not easy to remove and keeps reminding you are an inferior being who will never be able to grow or become confident, this is what the b*llies plant into their victims’ brains.
However, difficult does not mean impossible. Reddit user u/tryingclosetomybest shared in a story that she had been a victim of b*llying for 10 years by multiple men during her schooling. She is 20, so that is half her life. One day she was at a pharmacy getting her medicine and one of her bullies showed up there. He noticed OP and shouted her name a couple of times. After getting ignored, he got closer and got her attention asking her if she remembered him. She knew exactly who he was but refused to recognize him at all. He kept trying but OP confidently stuck with the “no”. He ultimately had to get back in the line as OP completed her shopping and happily went away, finally realizing that her b*llies have no effect on her anymore.
Scroll down below to read how it all went down!
1. OP used her confidence to forget a guy right in his face.
2. OP has faced a lot of b*llying in her life.
3. One day OP was in the pharmacy when she got shouted at by someone.
4. When she saw the person’s face, she quickly realized it was a guy who had b*llied her for 10 years.
5. He asked her if he knew OP from somewhere and she simply refused to recognize him. He did not like that.
6. She kept denying she knew her and told him to get back in the line.
7. Not knowing what else to do he just walked back to the end of the line while OP grabbed her medicine and left.
8. OP did an excellent job keeping her composure and not breaking down in front of him.
9. OP cleared it to the internet that what he did to her will never make her think that he has changed.
She had no business being nice to him as he was never nice to her. What OP did was absolutely perfect and goes on to show how confident and strong she has now become. It is the bad experiences that put that spark in us, just the one we want.
I am sure this day OP realized all those b*llies are now behind her, and she is far beyond sitting and thinking about those who once tried to break her.
Here are some of the comments shared on the story:
10. This was executed very well by OP.
11. Down them all, OP. You can do it.
Via Dragon-beats
12. He really thought his authority would still have been on her…sorry, mate.
Via kttykt66755
13. It was very classy and absolutely deserved.
14. OP needs to start on a mission, find them all, and let them all know that they don’t affect her in any way anymore.
Via Schlachtfeld-21
15. For once he will realize how inferiority feels.
I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Stay tuned for more stories!
Via OllyTwist
Dog tax.
“My dog hates his nails getting clipped so my dad literally bought a purse and cut holes in it.”
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