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63 Year Old Neighbor Keeps Showing Up At 22 Year Old Female’s House To Ask Weird Questions

Neighbor knocking door

Nosy neighbors, we have all heard of them. Everyone hates such neighbors because they always try to get involved in your life and keep criticizing you for everything. It is as if the day you joined the neighborhood, that terrible neighbor makes it their mission to have you kicked out as soon as possible…and there is no reason behind it at all, they are just designed that way.


However, a nosy neighbor who gives off creepy vibes…those are the ones we don’t hear about much often because that is a level not even the terrible ones don’t go to…they have some sense at least. In today’s story, we have a neighbor who gave off extremely creepy vibes to a woman who recently shifted in the neighborhood.

Reddit user u/brave_assassin is a 22-year-old female who shared that at the beginning she was greeted with a warm heart by this 63-year-old male neighbor. OP was really happy to finally get a good neighbor. However, as time passed. the old neighbor started getting involved in OP’s life to the point she started getting creepy vibes from him. He would keep knocking on her door to ask the weirdest questions only stay involved in her life. OP had had enough and finally decided she would not open the door the next time the old neighbor showed up.

Scroll down below to read the story!

Source: u/brave_assassin

1. If the neighbor is a creep, then no. If he wants help, then yes. Let’s find out which category he falls in.


2. As OP moved into a new apartment, she was really happy with the neighbor she got. The old guy was very likable.


3. The 63-year-old male neighbor gave OP a very warm welcome when she joined the neighborhood.


4. One day he asked OP if she would help clean the sidewalks with him and she jumped in.


5. While the two were doing a very good job, suddenly the old neighbor mentioned OP’s boyfriend and the town he belonged to.


6. Stunned, she asked the neighbor how she knew about her boyfriend and he gave her an explanation that he saw a car that he hadn’t before in the neighborhood.


7. The logic seemed reasonable to OP so she moved on. But a few days later, the old neighbor showed up at OP’s house this time asking if anything was burning inside her house.

8. Confused, OP told him nothing was burning to which he said he only wanted to make sure she was okay. OP shared this was one of many times he had shown up, and rang her doorbell to ask similar, weird questions.


I am sensing a weird vibe from this neighbor, I am not going to lie. As soon as I read this burning example was one of many, it instantly started making me think the guy was creepy. Maybe he is a pe*vert, who knows? OP is only 22 and he is 63, and we know men very well.

Even if he isn’t a creepy guy, OP still should take all precautions and protect herself. I am sensing a lot of negative vibes coming from this guy. Let’s see what he does next. Scroll down below to continue reading.

Source: u/brave_assassin

9. He is voluntarily trying to get involved…this would annoy anyone.

10. Oh wow, he has a family. He isn’t lonely and still does this? A weird hobby if you ask me.


11. I think OP needs to stop answering the doorbell when he rings it. Cleaned the dryer….what was so important in it that made him come all the way to OP’s apartment to ask?

12. So OP decided to take the matter to the AITA community to know if she would be wrong for ignoring the old neighbor every time he would ring her doorbell.


Source: u/brave_assassin

Here’s what the internet had to say about this:

13. I know right, his presence around OP made me feel uncomfortable.

Via Sunny_Hill_1

14. OP is the owner of her door. She can open it for anyone and keep it shut for anyone.


Via SnooObjections6726

15. I can bet she is in no mood to engage with that old neighbor anymore…keep that door shut, OP.

Via MeasurementLow2410

16. It is perfectly fine.


Via jrm1102

So, the old neighbor is a creep. OP would not be the a$$hole if she kept the door shut on him.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Stay tuned for more stories!

Via ThatBluBlockerGuy

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“Just started dating a girl after being single for a very long time. My cat was transfixed by the first sight of a bobby pin.”


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