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Entitled Karen Grabs Soldier, Gets Put Down By Soldier Reflexes

Sneaking up on a soldier is never a good idea.

They have been trained to go against this sort of thing. And that means their reflexes are on a hair-trigger. It would never end well for a person. However, it seems a Karen is just stupid enough to undertake this. That is not to say that she didn’t get what she deserved by the end of this. When you poke the bear, you shouldn’t be surprised when you get a clawback.


I am sure you already know people who think they own you just because you work for the government and they pay taxes. If that were true any government worker would be obliged to work as an employee under everyone. See how that doesn’t make sense? However, it makes perfect sense in the mind of these Karens. And you can take a look at one such example.

Source: Reddit

It is totally fine to ask for help as long as you are courteous about it.


However, that does not mean that anyone is obliged to give you their help.


Especially if you are an incredibly rude person and they think you owe them something.


My dad was in the military ages ago. He’s in a VA care facility now.

However, before he got into the care facility we tried putting him into a private assisted living memory care facility.

He managed to not only escape it, but when the worker tried to grab him, the worker then ended up on the ground with my dad’s knee on his back. My dad was in his late 70s, and the worker in his early 30s.

Despite being military, my Dad has never had a violent bone in his body. However, in his reduced mental state his training from ages ago just took over. The cops were called, but thankfully everything was resolved before they showed up.

You don’t mess with military training. –Jormungandragon

Very lucky or she would have ended up with more than a bloody nose.


Exactly but most people don’t understand this simple fact.


People should use this if they get stuck in this sort of scenario.


Yeah, it’s really sketchy logic.

Like, my cousin works for the UK MoJ as a web developer. Does that mean any random person can walk up to her in the street and go “I demand you install my new washinig machine”? –axw3555

Karens not being entitled? That isn’t possible.

We don’t know what she deserved but I am not shedding any tears.


We definitely don’t pay their salaries.


This is apparently not just limited to America.

Did you think the woman deserved what she got? Or was the soldier too harsh towards her? Let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to share it with your friends as well.


What do you think?