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Savage Grandma Puts Greedy Preachers Back In Their Place Even After Her Death

All our life we heard that money makes the world go round. It appears some people took this phrase too seriously and named money their everything. To them, money is far more valuable and more precious than any of these tiny invaluable words found in the dictionaries like family, humanity, people, love and kindness. They have put all their faith in money and would do anything, ANYTHING to get rich and richer. Such people are everywhere, in all professions, in all fields. They even brainwash others making them fight against everyone.


However, where there are bad apples, there are some good ones too. Not all hope is lost yet. There are a few people in this world who deeply care for the humanity and actually want to do some good for this world. We came across an extremely uplifting Reddit story of a wonder woman in disguise. Who hasn’t only gotten back at her former Church seniors, but has also taught everyone a valuable lesson. That too, from beyond the grave. This story is narrated by one of the woman’s grandchildren and it’s worth reading. So here’s how the savage grandma puts greedy preachers back in their places after death. Scroll down to read the whole thing.

Here it goes.


A little description of the “Big White Church” and its location.


She was a one active grandma.


She could take on the work load of many people single-handedly.


Whoa! We are not talking about an ordinary grandma here, we’re talking about a super grandma. A woman with a strong will power and high spirits, who can take on the work of many people alone. Someone who knows how to get the work done in time. As we get older our body starts to weaken and we experience a variety of problems like fatigue and lethargy. However, in today’s world most of us start to experience these things in our 20’s due to our sedentary lifestyle. On the other hand, however, our grandma’s generation is still managing to keep things going actively due to their amazing will power and the desire of never giving up. It isn’t wrong to say that they are winning at this for sure.

Grandma did so much and never asked for anything in return.


Grandma’s still in the best of her spirits even after a severe accident.


Grandma’s got an idea.

“Remembering your church in your will.”


“Her” church needed “her support”.

AssPastor being an a*shole…


Grandma was an extremely well-composed woman.


Grandpa—Man of steel.

Sad news—Grandma passes away.


Grandma asked to exclude the PompousPastor and AssPastor from her funeral.

It was an open microphone funeral.


The service lasted for two hours.

“Funerals are better without preachers anyway.”


Grandparents loved each other but had separate wills.


Reading of the will was a family tradition.


Family reunions are always the best. You get to meet all the family members, even those you haven’t seen in years. It makes you feel close and cared for even if the reunion is not on a happy occasion, but a memorial service. Still, there are so many new memories made and a lot of old ones recalled. There’s no place like home and there’s no love like a family’s love. After all, that’s what families are for, to laugh together and to cry together.

The reading of the will.

Grandma had a large family.


The PompousPastor and the AssPastor were the center of attention.


Everyone was satisfied.

The part where “Big White Church” was mentioned in the will.



The letter continues…


It had to be said.


Although we do not know about the exact amount but still WOW! Must have been a crazy big number that even the OP was surprised.

There was a change in the will.


The plot twist!

“The best was yet to come.”


All eyes on the Pastors.

Turns out the Black Church was just a few miles away from the Big white Church…


There was a dispute.

“My Church is my Mission Field.”


This is a war of egos…

Tic tic boom!

What a savage grandma! Thank you OP for sharing a story of such a strong willed woman who put humanity above the race. Those Pastors deserved what they got. That’s exactly what they were worth. One cent. Here’s what other Redditors think of this story. Scroll down to read their comments.

Our hats are off to your grandma OP!

Wonder woman.

She totally DESTROYED them.

Grandma killed em’ with kindness.

Truly, a beautiful story.

A smart woman indeed.


It was truly an amazing story. Not all superheroes wear capes and OP’s grandma was one of those unsung heroes of the society. What do you guys think of this story? Let us know in the comments below.


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