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Woman Asks Reddit If She Was Wrong To Not Allow Her Roommate’s Father To Sleep On Her Bed

Sharing the rent does not make the owner of the other person’s space.

Reddit user u/notatypicaltaurus lives in an apartment on sharing basis. Both parties pay an equal amount of rent and have pre-decided on who owns what space. It is a 2 bed, 2 bath apartment so each tenant gets 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom, and the rest is shared among the two. Both of them are students and the other roommate is about to graduate in 3 weeks so her father calls in and tells her he will come to see her graduate from the university. With her mother already arriving she needed space for her father to stay so instead of requesting, she asks u/notatypicaltaurus to just vacate her portion for a period of time so her father could sleep in her bed. The weird proposal was obviously rejected but the roommate kept insisting on her leaving. The drama ensued as the game of persuasion kept playing on.


u/notatypicaltaurus shared the complete story on Reddit and asked for everyone’s opinion on whether she was right or wrong to not allow her roommate’s father to sleep in her room.

Scroll down to read what really happened and give your thoughts in the end!

1. Just by reading that title I am tempted to say the OP was NTA but we must not judge a book by its cover so let’s explore what really happened.


Via u/notatypicaltaurus

2. They live in a two-bed apartment with a roommate, Mary, and it is nice that split the rent equally, and both their names are mentioned on the lease paper.



Via u/notatypicaltaurus

3. It is sweet that Mary’s father is flying over to be there for her graduation but asking our roommate to giveaway their room for your father to sleep in is just straight-up weird.



The thing is if we pay a 50-50 rent for the apartment, my room will remain my authority and I will have all the power to choose who can stay in and who cannot. Mary’s demand is kind of absurd. I mean, I don’t know what that guy would do in the room.

Via u/notatypicaltaurus

4. Asking your roommate to just leave their own room is not reasonable, Mary. Get your senses right.


Via u/notatypicaltaurus

5. Exactly, it would be a very creepy experience if they allow a stranger to sleep in their bedroom. OP has a simple and correct rationale for the rejection.

Via u/notatypicaltaurus

6. That means she and her boyfriend have full authority to make decisions related to their bedroom.


Via u/notatypicaltaurus

7. The dad could sleep on the floor in Mary’s room. Her parents’ divorce is her issue, not OPs.

Via u/notatypicaltaurus

8. Excuse me, when did Mary become the landlord?


Via u/notatypicaltaurus

This one literally blew my mind. Here’s my verdict and I am sure it will not come across as a surprise to you guys, OP was NTA. I mean how did she even accept to get approval over such an awkward demand. Given that OP lives in that room, it means she would have her personal belongings in there and you can’t just move out for a couple of days and take all your stuff with you, look for a new spot just because your roommate’s dad wants to sleep in your bed. OP did the right thing by not allowing her Dad to sleep in. Mary should juts get a new, bigger, apartment if she wants to invite her family over.

Here are some commenters casting their votes after reading the story:

9. The university must oversee the situation as soon as possible.

Via u/notatypicaltaurus

10. This policy is a little suspect, giving students access to all rooms could be dangerous don’t you think.


Via u/notatypicaltaurus

11. The roommate really is insane to make such demands.

Via u/notatypicaltaurus

12. He’s your dad, so make him sleep on YOUR bed.


Via u/notatypicaltaurus

13. Entitlement has never led to success. Ever.

Via u/notatypicaltaurus

14. Roomatae Mary only wanted to show her superiority over OP and sadly for her, it didn’t work.


Via u/notatypicaltaurus

15. Her dad, her problem.

Via u/notatypicaltaurus

16. Everyone showed support to OP and said Mary’s act was disgusting.


Via u/notatypicaltaurus

17. She should’ve made a complaint about the matter right away.

Via u/notatypicaltaurus

What do you guys think? Was OP correct to not allow the roommate’s father to sleep in? Please go ham in the comments section down below.

We hope you guys enjoyed the story. Stay tuned for more!


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